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“You know you can talk to me, right?” Amanda leans closer, her voice soft. “Sometimes sharing helps.”

I consider her offer, tempted to spill everything—about my sinful night with Ethan and my mixed feelings.

But words fail me, and instead, I shrug nonchalantly. “I appreciate it, Amanda. I think I just need to catch up some much-needed sleep.”

Amanda studies me for a moment, her expression sympathetic. “Alright, but don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything.”

“Thanks,” I manage, grateful for her understanding. As she walks towards Senna, I exhale slowly, trying to regain my composure.

Ethan’s piercing eyes catch mine for a split second, and I instantly look away, my pulse quickening. I leave some drinks for the kids and retreat to the kitchen, my safe haven.

Why does he have to be so magnetic? Every time I see him, I feel an undeniable pull, like gravity drawing me toward him. I shake my head and check to make sure there is enough food.

As I oversee the kitchen, my thoughts drift back to the night we shared. It was supposed to be just that wasn’t it? One night of fun where we didn’t take anything too seriously.

But the memory of his touch haunts me.

Later, I peek out again. Ethan and Senna are now building a tower with oversized blocks. Ethan looks up, and our eyes meet again. There’s a flicker of something—recognition, longing, I’m not sure, but as he stands up and walks towards me, I quickly turn away, pretending to be busy.

The evening wears on, and I manage to avoid any direct interaction with Ethan. I immerse myself in my work, coordinating with the staff, ensuring everything runs smoothly. It helps to tone down my distracting thoughts.

Finally, the event winds down. Parents gather their kids, and the room slowly empties. I step out of the kitchen, exhausted but relieved I made it through another day without confronting Ethan.

As I start tidying up, I feel a familiar gaze on me. I look up to see Ethan across the room, watching me. He gives a small, tentative smile, and for a moment, I’m tempted to walk over and talk to him. But the memory of our last conversation, the awkwardness, the confusion, all come flooding back.

I steal one last glance at Ethan. He’s helping Senna with his coat. It’s a sight that tugs at my heart, but I push the emotions down and help the crew finish tidying up.

As I gather my things to leave, I try to distract myself with plans for the next event, but it doesn’t last long.

After I shower and lay in bed, the last thoughts I have in my mind are of Ethan.

Chapter Twelve


Practice is in full swing, but my mind is anywhere but on the ice. We’re running drills, but I keep missing passes and messing up plays. The coach shoots me a frustrated glance more than once, and I know I need to snap out of it.

But how can I focus when Mia is constantly on my mind?

She’s been avoiding me like I’m some kind of plague. Every time I try to approach her, she slips away, disappearing into the crowd or finding some excuse to leave. It’s frustrating as hell, especially when all I want is to talk to her, to figure out where we stand.

After another failed attempt to catch her after practice, I decide I need advice. Amanda's the only one who might understand this mess. She knows about us—well, about that night. And she’s the one who initially thought Mia and I would be a good match.

I head to the locker room, pulling out my phone. With a deep breath, I dial Amanda’s number, hoping she's available to talk.

She picks up after a few rings. “Hey, Ethan,” she says brightly. “What's up?”

“Hey, Amanda,” I reply, trying to keep my tone casual despite the knot in my stomach. “Can I talk to you about something?”

“Of course,” she says, instantly serious. “What’s on your mind?”

“It's Mia,” I admit, feeling a mix of frustration and confusion. “She's been avoiding me like crazy.”

“Why?” Amanda asks, her concern evident in her voice.

"I think it's because I mentioned wanting to tell Ryan about us," I confess, running a hand through my hair. "She’s been distant ever since."

"Hmm," Amanda hums thoughtfully. "Maybe that was too much too soon for her."

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