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With a glint of satisfaction in his eye, he slid his glistening fingers into his mouth, licking them clean. “You taste delicious, love.”

She batted his chest, too satiated to do much more.

A sharp bang against the closet door made her jump. “Cap, better get a move on. The Barbarian and his crew are getting antsy out here,” Navi said.

“Tan’s nickname is ‘Barbarian’?” Lis giggled, wiggling her hips as she set her pants to rights. “I mean, I guess I can see him dressed up like Conan. He certainly has the hair for it.”

“I don’t know who this Conan is, but I don’t like that he’s occupying your thoughts so soon after I made you come,” Nox growled.

“Ooh, you jealous, Captain Privateer, sir?” She patted a bulging arm, loving how he flexed at her touch. “You don’t need to worry about Conan. He’s got nothing on you.”

“Damn right he doesn’t,” Nox grumbled, smoothing a hand over her skull and tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

“I can hear you two in there. You’re not as quiet as you think you are.” Navi pounded on the door again. “Pull yourselves together, and meet us out back. We’ve got some trolls to take care of.”



He could still feel the way her pussy clenched around his fingers when she came. But he needed to focus, a challenge with the scent of her in his nose and her tight ass wiggling in front of him as they crawled closer to the trolls’ temporary camp in a dead-end canyon.

There were more trolls than they expected. The original seven had swelled to ten, all sitting in a loose circle around a blazing fire that lit up the midnight sky.

“Make that twelve trolls,” Navi said over comms. Acting as both lookout and sniper, he perched on a rock outcropping above the troll camp. “Two patrolling. Just finished tormenting, I mean checking on the captives.”

“Twelve,” Lis whispered next to him. “That’s more than we planned for.”

“Great,” Squirrel, a sharpshooter from Tan’s crew, muttered. “Just what we need. More trolls.”

Nox slid close, his arm brushing hers. “Stick close to me, and we’ll be fine.” When she lifted an eyebrow at him, he added, “I make an excellent shield. Your shield, remember?”

She shook her head, huffing out a breath.

“Stow it,” Tan growled over the comm. “The plan remains the same. Incapacitate the trolls, free the captives, save the day. Got me?”

“Yeah, boss,” Squirrel said. “Easy peasy.”

Nox hoped so. Their seasoned assault team of ten was enough when there were only seven rock-skinned assholes to deal with. Twelve, well, that was a challenge Nox wasn’t thrilled about.

But they were here, and Tan was confident in the efficacy of his sister-in-law’s troll takedown serum. He made the call to proceed rather than wait for backup, which wouldn’t reach their position until midmorning at the earliest.

Many of the captives wouldn’t survive that long.

They broke into two-person fireteams. For the first stage, they’d incapacitate as many as they could from a distance. A tough ask, as lower mountain trolls with their armored skin were notoriously hard to take down. There were only a few vulnerable areas a dart could penetrate — their eyes, between their toes, and at the base of their tiny ears.

“I’ve got eyes on the guards. The rest are bedded down and snoring,” Navi said. “Operation Dreamland is a go on your word, Tan.”

Nox and Lis exchanged glances. With a tip of his head, he silently asked if she was ready. She nodded, then mirrored his head tilt, asking him the same. He smoothed a hand down her back, reassuring himself.

“Take ‘em down,” Tan ordered.

The sound of high-pitched whistles split the quiet of the campsite. A rock slide of roars quickly followed.

“Six down, six to go. We’ve got incoming,” Navi reported from his high perch. “Brace yourselves, people.”

“Ooh, they’re pissed,” Lis said, adjusting her grip on her weapon. It was like they’d kicked over a beehive. A massive hive, filled with giant murder hornets. She bared her teeth at him in a fierce grin. “Guess they don’t enjoy being attacked in their own camp. Well, that’s what you get, you assholes.”

Nox smiled at the satisfaction in her voice. His mate was out for blood. He made a note to do his best not to piss her off too badly in the future to evade her wrath.

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