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I gasp, reality flooding back as the mysterious man fades away.

Who was he?

The intensity in his gaze felt so real, so familiar. Like a distant memory clawing to the surface.

I shake my head, trying to clear the confusing images.

Focus, Olivia.

But I can't shake the feeling that he was someone important to me.

Someone I cared for deeply.

Suddenly, Jack's voice cuts through my reverie. "Olivia? You okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," I stammer, avoiding his concerned gaze. How can I explain that I just had a flashback of another man? Especially after what we just did? "Just tired."

Jack stares at me for a long moment, and I swear he can see right through me.

But he doesn’t press the issue. Instead, he just nods as he pulls my head to lay back on his chest.

I nod absently too, my mind still reeling.

Who are you? I silently implore the nameless man in my mind. And what were you to me?


I scroll through the search results, my eyes scanning for any scrap of information about Olivia's past.

Then I see it. Something that makes my heart fall.

A photo of Olivia with some other fucking guy.

I take in his quintessential good lucks. His sandy blonde hair. Blue eyes.

I instantly hate him.

Anger surges through my veins, hot and potent. I slam the laptop shut.

I don't need to see any more. Don't want to know who he was to her.

Olivia walks in, her brow furrowed. "Everything alright, Jack?"

"Fine," I grit out. She flinches at my harsh tone, but I can't bring myself to care. Not when images of her with him cloud my vision.

"Well, I was thinking we could-" she starts.

"Not now, Olivia." The words come out harsher than I intend. Her eyes widen, hurt swimming in their depths.


"I just...I can't right now." I turn away, hating myself but unable to stop.

She's silent for a long moment.

Then she turns and flees the room, a soft, broken sound escaping her.

I’m instantly remorseful, my heart tearing in two.

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