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“I’m fine,” I moaned as he hit deeper inside me. “I swear…I swear…”

I closed my eyes as I let myself fall under Declan’s spell, my hips pushing up to meet his. His body heat felt like a blanket of so many promises to come, and whoever said that missionary was boring had never had Declan O’Brien fucking them like this. The way that he was covering my body was everything, and with each thrust of his hips, I got closer to God.

“You’re lucky that you’re hurt,” he bit out, his eyes glittering brilliantly. “If not, I’d be making you pay for sneaking out on me.”

“How?” I asked, every nerve firing with a violent desire that was flooding every part of me.

“I swear to fucking God, if you tell me that you actually like being tied up, then I’m never letting you leave this bed, baby,” he answered, making me tighten around him.

“I can take it,” I panted. “If you can dish it, then I can take it.”

“Fuck,” he hissed. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…”

Declan’s thrusts had the headboard bouncing off the wall, and even though he was still trying to be careful of my shoulder, it was clear that he was on the verge of losing control. It was sexy and satisfying all at once. Nothing felt as triumphant as making a man lose control because he couldn’t help himself when he was near you.

“Don’t stop…” I cried out. “Declan, please…make me cum…”

Heat flooded my entire body as I watched Declan reach up, grab the top of the headboard, then use the leverage to ram every inch of his cock inside me. He was bottoming out, and I had to bite my lip as my hands fisted in the sheets, feeling nothing but Declan O’Brien inside me.

“Cum for me,” he ordered. “Be a good girl and cum all over my fucking cock for me, lass.”

I knew nothing but blissful pleasure as my orgasm rocked my body, Declan’s thrusts pulling as much ecstasy from me as possible. He rode me through each wave, making sure that I never forgot what it felt like to have him buried deep inside me. As tremor after tremor traveled to every inch of me, my mind and heart were full of my need for this man.

“I’m cumming, baby,” he warned me. “I’m cumming, and you’re going to take every fucking drop inside that hot cunt of yours.”

“Yes,” I choked out, eager and ready for more.

“Fuck,” he growled before his entire body seized, flooding me with everything that he had. “Fuck, Keavy…”

I wasn’t sure how long Declan kept pushing into me, but when he finally started to soften, I let out a hiss when he pulled out, my body already beginning to ache from how hard he’d been slamming into me. While my shoulder didn’t hurt right now, I knew that it would be soon from what we’d just done. Granted, that wasn’t a complaint. When it came to Declan O’Brien, the pleasure was definitely worth the pain, and then some.

I laid there with my eyes close, my lungs desperately trying to catch their breath, and I’d never felt so goddamn high. I felt like I’d be just fine with never leaving Declan’s bed, and that wasn’t good. No matter how explosive we were together like this, I still had business that needed tending to.

“As incredible as that was, it changes nothing, Declan,” I said, ruining the mood.

“That wasn’t meant to change anything,” he replied evenly. “I fucked you because I needed you, Keavy. Plain and simple, I just needed you.”

Even though I probably deserved it, his cold response had hurt my feelings. He thought that I was being difficult, but I wasn’t. I was just being me, and there was always going to be a certain level of vulnerability when you were being you without the fake smile.

However, instead of letting my emotions get the best of me, I said, “I’ll make you a deal.”

“What kind of deal?” he asked as he pulled my legs over his waist, willing to listen.

“If we don’t find Klive or any of his men at the cabin, then I’ll bow out after that,” I offered, the man having no idea what this gesture in good faith was costing my pride. “If they’re not anywhere near the cabin, then I’ll let you handle his men shooting me.”

Declan didn’t say anything for a really long time, and if it wasn’t for his hand running up and down my left leg, then I would have thought that he’d fallen asleep. Now, even though I knew that he was going to say no, I cared about him enough to prove it. I was taking a chance that I hadn’t ever expected to be, and I wanted him to know that.

“What happens if I say no?” he finally asked. “No bullshit, Keavy.”

“I’ll hunt them down alone,” I answered honestly. “Considering that my left arm has limited use, having you with me will up my chances, but I’m not scared of the odds either way. I will never let anyone ruin what Cian built for me, and that includes you.”

After a few more moments of silence, he said, “If I agree to this, then I have a condition of my own.”

“What is it?”

“If I agree to this, then you agree to never leave me,” he said, making my heart skip a beat. “While I won’t force you to marry me tomorrow, you have to give me your word that you’re in this forever, Keavy. I want your word that you’ll be in this bed every fucking night for the rest of our lives.”

“That…that doesn’t seem like an even trade-off,” I replied quietly. “One night in exchange for the rest of my life?”

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