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“I’m…I’m sorry, but I’m confused,” I stammered a bit. “If the man likes to abuse women during sex, then how the hell is the opportunity supposed to come up if we’re not having sex?”

“Yer no’ havin’ sex with him, Ke’vy,” he repeated.

I arched a brow, tightening the sheet closer to my body. “Have you lost your mind?” I asked seriously. “What exactly was your plan, Declan? Of course, I have to have sex with him in order for this to work. At the very least, there’s going to be some foreplay happening.”

Declan’s arm snaked out, then his hand wrapped around my throat. “The feck if yer gonna let da man touch ye,” he hissed. “Yer no’ feckin’ havin’ sex with him.”

Refusing to wrestle with him over the hold that he had on my neck, I just said, “He’s going to think that I’m a fucking prostitute, Declan. What in the hell did you think was going to happen?”

Still holding me by the neck, Declan pushed me back down on the bed, his large frame covering me again, the both of us tangled in the sheets. Looming down over me, he said, “So help me God, ye better no’ let him touch any part o’ ye.”


“I mean it!” he roared in my face, and that immediately put my back up.

“You don’t get to dictate what happens in that room,” I told him. “The deal is that I kill Cooper Donaldson in exchange for you guys leaving me alone, so I will do whatever I need to in order to make that happen.” Declan’s eyes flared with anger. “We made a deal, and I expect you to keep your word.”

“Ye can kill da sonofabitch without feckin’ him,” he hissed.

“Despite me being in your bed right now, I don’t belong to you, Declan,” I reminded him. “I’m not yours, and maybe I wouldn’t mind seeing what a man like Cooper Donaldson is all about before I snap his neck in two.”

With one arm bracing his entire weight, Declan’s other hand grabbed a hold of my chin, then squeezed painfully. “Da ye wanna say tha ‘gain, lass?”

Purposely acting obtuse, I asked, “Are you giving me a gun, then? Or how exactly did you expect me to kill the man in self-defense? Bash his head in with a lamp? Toss him out the window?” My eyes narrowed up at him. “If you don’t have any details to provide, then don’t question how I get the job done, Declan.”

Instead of answering me, Declan let go of my chin, then shifted his frame enough to pull the sheet from between our bodies. The second that his body heat covered my skin, I bit my lip to keep me from moaning out loud. Despite our ridiculous argument and the fact that I shouldn’t even be in Declan’s bed, there was no denying how his hard dick nestled between my legs made me wet.

With his large frame braced over my body again, Declan said, “Inna done with ye, lass. So, until I am, no other man touches what’s mine.”

“I’m not yours,” I repeated.

“I feel sorry fer ye if ye really believe da,” he shot back.

I raised my chin, refusing to be used. “That’s not how this works, Declan.” I told him. “If you want me to be yours, then you’d better make me yours. If not, I’ll fuck whoever I want, whenever I want, however the fuck I want.”

“Be careful wha’ yer askin’ fer, lass,” he warned. “Ye have no idea wha’ it’ll mean ta be mine.”

He was right, of course. My pride was dictating this conversation, and maybe his casual dismissal of me was also making me call him out. In truth, I didn’t like the idea of belonging to anyone that I couldn’t trust, and I couldn’t trust Declan O’Brien. The man would always look out for number one, and I wanted someone that was going to value me the way that Cian had taught me to believe in. Sure, the love between a parent and a partner was different, but as selfish as it was, I still wanted someone that was going to love me more than he loved himself, and that person was not Declan O’Brian.

It never would be.

Chapter 21


I was losing my fucking mind, and I knew it. I’d always known that Keavy posing as a prostitute was going to give Donaldson permission to put his hands on her, but that’d been before I’d felt what it was like to have her tight cunt wrapped around my dick. That’d been before I’d heard her cry out my name as she raked her fingernails down my back.

There was also the fact that I’d taken her twice without protection, and though she had assured me that she was safe against pregnancy, she was still the first woman that I’d ever been reckless with, and I had no intentions of covering up now. If her birth control wasn’t one-hundred percent effective, then she was going to be tied to me for motherfucking life, forget the goddamn basement.

Nevertheless, while all that mattered a great deal to me, it appeared as if Keavy couldn’t care less. For fuck’s sakes, the woman was full of my cum, yet she felt completely comfortable talking about fucking another man while still in my bed.



Not caring that I was twice her size, or that I had a reputation for showing no mercy, she said, “Unless you can come up with a better plan on how to take out Cooper Donaldson, I’ll do whatever I need to in order to get out of this as unscathed as possible, Declan.”

“Spread yer feckin’ legs,” I ordered, out of my rabid ass mind with the thought of her sleeping with another man.

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