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Noah shrugged. “I don’t particularly care how or why she goes about killing him as long as she gets the job done. He needs to go away. He’s gotten away with too much as it is, and who knows what he’s thinking now that Congressman Oliver is on his way to prison for the underaged girls.”

It was true that Cooper Donaldson needed to be taken care of before he got too big for us to touch, but I absolutely did not like the idea of forcing a woman to do our dirty work. However, even I could admit that Keavy could get us the proof that we hadn’t been able to get yet.

“And you think that Cooper Donaldson will bite?”

Noah arched a brow. “I’m not fucking blind, Declan,” he said. “And neither are you.”

Conceding to that point, I asked, “What assurances do we have that she won’t betray us?”

“None,” he answered honestly. “However, something tells me that she’s the type of person that will keep her word once it’s given.”

I let out a heavy sigh as I said, “I have that same feeling.”

“Look, we need to get Donaldson out of our territory for good, and I think this is our best shot,” he went on. “She can get close to him, and if nothing else, she’ll learn more about him than we’ve been able to at this point.”

“I don’t like sending a woman in to do our dirty work,” I finally admitted.

His brows shot upward. “And you think that I do?”

“Well, that’s what you’re suggesting,” I pointed out.

“Because what the fuck else are you going to do with her, Declan?” he challenged. “You can’t just let her leave, and we both know that. She knows too much, has seen too much, and more importantly, she doesn’t give a fuck who we are.” He let out a deep breath of his own. “So, you either marry her or hire her, but you can’t just let her go.”

“She’d sooner stab me in the face than marry me,” I snorted.

Noah’s bright eyes narrowed. “How long have we’ve known each other, Declan?”

I scowled. “What the fuck kind of question is that? You’re my cousin.”

“Exactly,” he replied. “So, do not sit there and tell me that your dick doesn’t get hard for her. She’s the Irish version of Kasen Sartori, and don’t tell me that you’re not impressed as fuck by her.”

“You and Sartori sound like a broken fucking record,” I grumbled. “I don’t have a thing for Kasen Sartori, Christ on The Cross.”

“Yet, you’re not denying what I said about Keavy,” he pointed out knowingly.

As much as I hated to admit it, Noah wasn’t wrong about any of it. No matter my attraction to the woman, with her lack of fear, she could get us more information on Cooper Donaldson than anyone else in our organization. She was also stunning, so I couldn’t see Cooper not taking the bait. Though it was said that he liked them a bit too young, Keavy Collins was too beautiful for any man to pass up, including me. If I had permission, I’d already know how her pussy felt wrapped around my cock.

“What if she gets hurt?”

“As opposed to all those other women that are getting hurt because of the bastard?”

“Sacrificing one for the greater good?”

Noah nodded. “He needs to go down, Declan. Plus, if she got the drop on Ren and Jacob, what are the odds of Donaldson really hurting her? He’s going to underestimate her just like Ren, Jacob, and Kenneth did.”

“Are you willing to gamble those odds?”

Because Noah wasn’t one to let emotions or sentimentality guide his decisions, he said, “Yes, I am. Not only am I not the one that has a thing for her, but we’ve drugged our feet on this for too long, Declan. Now that the Olivers are out of the picture, Donaldson doesn’t have the protection that he once had, making now the time to strike.”

“I’m not disputing anything that you’re saying,” I assured him. “I just have a problem with-”

“Yeah, I know,” he said, interrupting me. “You have a problem with a woman getting her hands bloody, but in case you’ve forgotten, Keavy’s hands are already bloody as fuck, Declan.”

“I’ll think about it,” I finally said, deciding to give the idea some real thought.

Noah shook his head. “I hope her pussy’s worth it.”

“Watch how ye talk ‘bout ‘er,” I warned seriously.

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