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Instead of rising to the bait, Declan said, “Noah’s here for the same reason that I am. We want to know what happened last night.”

With nausea still roiling around in my stomach, I let out another steady breath before saying, “Well, I guess I should be flattered that the notorious Noah Murphy would bother with a nobody like me.”

Noah’s bright eyes narrowed a bit. “Something tells me that you’re a far cry from a nobody, Ms. Collins.”

“Cut the shite, Keavy,” Declan practically snapped. “What happened last night?”

Since they were going to try to kill me either way, I saw no sense in lying. “I went back to Kenneth’s place, and while I was in the restroom, I overheard raised voices.” My eyes closed a bit, bile still a very real threat, then opened them again as I took another breath through my nose.

“Do you need some water?” Noah asked, and I almost laughed.

“Would you accept something to drink from your enemy, Mr. Murphy?” I asked, arching a brow condescendingly.

His lips twitched a bit, but he just said, “Fair point.”

Looking back over towards Declan, I continued with my story. “After hearing the voices, I cracked open the door, then heard your guys accusing Kenneth of hiding from them. None of it was my business until one of them noticed my purse.”

“Then what happened,” Declan asked.

“It was either let them go looking for me or face what I was dealing with,” I told him. “So, I walked out of the bathroom, then asked them if I was interrupting.”

“Sweet Jesus,” Noah muttered.

“Catching them off guard, that’s when Kenneth made a run for it, and when your men got distracted by going after him, that’s when I killed the first guy,” I went on. “I kicked the gun out of his hand, then after a few seconds of dancing around, I stabbed him in the kitchen.” Noah’s brows shot upward while Declan showed no reaction at all. “Taking his gun, I waited for the other guy to come back, and when he did, I shot him.” I let out another calming breath. “Knowing that Kenneth wasn’t going to come back, I grabbed both guns and the knife, stuffed them in my purse, then got the hell out of there.”

After a few seconds of silence, Declan asked, “And where did you learn how to fight and shoot like that?”

“That has nothing to do with what happened last night,” I replied evenly.

“What did you do with the guns?” Noah asked.

“Same answer,” I told him. “Now, what is Kenneth saying?”

“Well, he’s no sayin’ much anymore, Ms. Collins,” Noah smirked. “He’s dead.”

Well, that answered that question. There was no way that they weren’t going to kill me now. If they killed Kenneth for just owing them money, then there was no way that they were going to let me live after having murdered two of their men. They probably really were just curious as to what had happened last night, and no one in their right mind would believe Kenneth Swanson, even if he had been telling the truth. Luckily, I had my affairs in order, and it looked like the ASPCA was going to inherit a lot of money come tomorrow morning.

“Something tells me that Kenneth Swanson was dead the moment that he got into bed with you guys,” I remarked, not really concerned about Kenneth’s fate. After all, the man had left me behind to save himself, so good riddance.

“You’re not wrong,” Noah chuckled.

Looking from Noah to Declan, I asked, “So, what now? A bullet, or do you have a more elaborate plan for me because I bested your men?”

Declan cocked his head to the side a bit. “And what makes you think that I’m going to kill you?”

“Why wouldn’t you?”

His blue eyes slid over Noah’s way. “Ere ye hearin’ this shite?”

“I am,” Noah replied as he nodded.

Looking back over at me, Declan asked, “Ere ye so eager ta die then, lass?”

“I’m not scared to, if that’s what you’re really asking,” I replied, meaning every single word.

Chapter 13


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