Page 41 of Beau

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“Hey, Beau,” she said with a genuine smile in her voice, happy to hear his voice.

“Hey, I have a couple of minutes while I’m waiting to talk with someone. What are you doing?”

“Right now, I’m standing in line at the grocery store.” She laughed.

“Sounds like an exciting day.” He chuckled.

“Oh, it’s been interesting to say the least. I ran into an old… friend,” she said with a hint of bitterness as she glanced over her shoulder at Liz to see her staring at her with her jaw clenched.

“Is that right?” His tone became serious, and she knew he sensed something was amiss.

“Yeah, but she’s no longer important.” Brenna’s voice held a note of finality.


“Yeah, I’ll tell you later when you’ll have more time.”

“Sounds good, darlin’. I just wanted to get back to you. I’m going to talk to someone who might know something about your mother’s horse. It’s possible I might have a lead.”

“Oh, that would be great. Well, I have to go, too. I’m checking out,” she said, noticing the cashier waiting for her to pay.

“Okay, sweetheart. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Can’t wait.” She disconnected the call and turned to see Liz’s face red with anger. Brenna smirked as she paid for her groceries and left the store.

Chapter Six

Beau slowed the truck and pulled into the driveway of the Jones residence. He wanted to get information, and he had a feeling Shelby Jones was the one who would talk first. After pulling into the driveway, he shut the truck off, stepped out, and walked to the door, then pushed the doorbell button.

He glanced around. It was a nice neighborhood but living with neighbors so close that their houses almost touched, was not for him. He preferred being out in the country.

When the door opened, a man frowned at him.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, sir. I’m Agent McCallister with the Montana Department of Livestock. Is Shelby your son?” He opened his coat to show the man his badge.

“Yeah, Shelby’s my son. Why do you need to speak to him?”

“I just need a few minutes of his time. If you could get him, I’d appreciate it.”

“He’s fifteen. Anything you say to him, you can say in front of me.”

Beau sighed. Why couldn’t people just do as you asked?

“You’re welcome to stay while I speak with him, but if you don’t allow me to speak to him here, I’ll take him into the office. Without you.” Beau glared at the man.

“Is he in some kind of trouble?”

“That’s what I’m here to find out.”

“Alright. Come inside and I’ll get him for you, but I’m going to be with him.”

“Yes, sir. I understand.” Beau removed his hat, wiped his feet on the mat, and entered the house. He stood by the door while Mr. Jones went off to get his son.

When the man and his son walked toward him, Beau could see the fear in the kid’s eyes.

“Shelby? I’m Agent McCallister with MDOL. I’d like to ask you some questions.” Beau put his hand out for the kid to shake. He wanted to put him at ease.

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