Page 28 of Beau

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“I see you cleared the steps,” Beau commented.

“I did, and almost fell doing it. They were covered in ice.”

“Well, I’m certainly glad you didn’t fall. That’s quite a drop.”

Brenna laughed. “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve slipped on them.”

“Have you ever actually fallen down them?”

“No, but I’ve definitely slipped a few times because I was in too much of a rush. I’ve scraped my shin on them once or twice.” She shrugged. “I’m not always the most graceful person.”

Beau chuckled. “I remember when you fell into the lake.”

“Oh God, that was so embarrassing. I tripped on the slats of the dock and in I went.”

He grinned. “And went in face first too.”

Brenna laughed along with him. “Yes, my dad loves to tease me about how clumsy I can be. When I first asked him about letting me live upstairs, he asked if I was sure I wanted to tackle those stairs every day.”

Beau shook his head as he opened the door for her and gestured for her to climb into his truck. After she settled in, he made his way around to the driver’s side and got in.

“I hope you’re hungry,” he said as they pulled into the diner parking lot.

“I haven’t eaten all day, so yes, I’m starving,” Brenna replied with a smile.

After pulling into the parking lot of the diner, Beau got out and walked around to open her door. He saw her frown at him, and he raised an eyebrow.

“I’m perfectly capable of opening my own door, Beau.”

“I know, I just like doing it for you. Let’s grab something to eat,” he said, taking her hand and guiding her inside.

They were greeted with waves and friendly hellos as they made their way to a booth in the back. They hung up their coats and Beau placed his hat on the peg attached to the side of the booth before they both slid onto their respective benches.

“Hey, you two! How are you?” Connie asked, smiling.

“We’re doing well. How about you?” Brenna smiled back at her.

“Wonderful! What can I get for you?”

Beau looked at Brenna.

“I’ll have my usual, Connie. Thank you.”

“The same for me, please,” Beau said.

“I’ll be right back,” Connie said, as she headed off to the kitchen.

“She’s an amazing woman,” Brenna commented.

“Yeah, I don’t know how she does this every day and still manages to stay in such a good mood.”

Soon, Connie returned with their meals, and they dug in.

“So, what inspired you to become a teacher?” Beau asked as he munched on some fries dipped in ketchup.

Brenna smiled fondly. “My mom. She used to teach high school English.”

“Used to?”

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