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Drugging and kidnapping a mafia boss is one thing, but marrying one? I must be out of my mind.

I hear Max in the hall. He must be on the phone, because he’s talking: “No, no, no. I already told you, my boss is willing to make it worth your while. We’re not a management company. He wants to buy the property from you outright. I know for a fact the offer was generous, way more than your little shithole is worth. If you think you’re going to get more from anyone, I’d advise you to take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself if it’s worth making an enemy out of Cormac O’Connor.”

It’s funny. My brother actually sounds like he knows what he’s talking about, for once, and he isn’t just blowing smoke. You’d think not much could change in a month, but if anyone’s good at adapting, it’s us.

Life is a wild ride. I might’ve hated Max’s stupid idea in the beginning, but I can’t deny that I’m happy with the way things turned out for us.

“Yeah, you take some time to think about it,” Max says, “but don’t take too much time. My boss is looking to expand, and he’s an impatient man.” He ends the call the moment he walks into the room, and he heaves a sigh. “Dealing with people is driving me nuts.” He leans against the door and watches me roll some fresh paint onto the wall.

I meet his blue-eyed stare with a smile and say, “You love it.”

His sour expression fades and he nods. “I do. I love it so much. Makes me feel all important and shit. Anyway, before I head out, I wanted to ask you if you thought more about the venue.”

What venue? The venue for my wedding. Obviously, I asked Max to help me plan the damned thing, and he pretty much took over.

Hey, I won’t complain. Planning isn’t really my forte, not something I enjoy.

When I don’t give him an answer, he huffs, “Thea! I keep telling you, you need to help me narrow it down, and we need to do it soon!”

“I told you I don’t want to get married right away.”

“Yes, but all the good venues are booked up way in advance. Depending on where you want, we might already be looking at a year or more, and call me silly, but I don’t think Silus would appreciate waiting that long to make you his wife.” Max gags. “For some reason he’s obsessed with you. It’s gross, to tell you the truth. Have you farted in front of him yet?”

His question comes so out of the blue all I can do is laugh. “Max—”

“All I’m saying is, maybe you should. Maybe letting a big one loose would dim those rose-colored glasses of his. Get rid of the magic a bit.”

“I thought it was good to have magic in a relationship?”

“Yes, but after seeing you two together on multiple occasions, it’s gross. You guys are gross.” Max shrugs his thin shoulders. He wears a suit—something Cormac insisted on—and I still think he looks a bit out of place, like he’s someone else and not my brother. “Just think about it, okay? Farting in front of him wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.”

I roll my eyes at him and chuckle. “Don’t you have somewhere to be, Max?”

Max checks his watch—another thing Cormac insisted on—and says, “You’re right, for once. I’ll see you later.” And with that, he’s out of my hair and thankfully no longer talking about farting.

Leave it to my brother to say the weirdest shit.

I finish painting the room. I’m in no hurry. Silus and I are having dinner later, and then I’m spending the night at his place. We alternate between homes, something which Silus tried to stop in the beginning, but I wouldn’t let up.

His condo is nice, sure, but if there was one thing I learned while locked up in that room, it’s that I miss the sounds old houses make.

Once the walls are done, I save the leftover paint and hop in the shower. Painting isn’t something I’m used to doing, so I’m pretty messy at it. Somehow I wind up with more paint on my body than the walls.

God, I still can’t believe Max’s advice involved me farting in front of Silus. What is my brother’s problem? He needs to get a girlfriend.

It takes me a while to get ready for Silus after the shower. I dry my hair, style it, put some makeup on—all things I’m not really used to doing on a daily basis, but I’ve tried to get a little better at it. I’ve lost track of how many videos I’ve watched to try to learn how to blend eyeshadow.

By four o’clock, I’m ready and waiting for Silus to pick me up. I chose a dark red dress that I found in the local Goodwill—something with no stains and was actually reasonably priced. Even though I have a fiancé that can buy anything, I do enjoy being thrifty; it’s how I grew up, and I suspect a part of me will always be frugal.

I sit in the living room near the windows, watching. The man refuses to message me when he’s here; he always has to come to the door and get me like I’m a real lady or something.

Which I’m not. He knows it, I know it, we all know it. Still, it is kind of sweet.

The moment I see Silus’s sleek black car pull into the short driveway, I hop up and race to the door. It feels strange to be so giddy, to get so excited to spend some time with him, almost like I’m cheating at life or something. My life has switched from drudgery to the opposite, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

By the time I throw myself out of the front door, Silus is halfway up the cracked concrete walkway. Wearing all black, I’m momentarily frozen when I meet his handsome stare, and my heart skips a beat in my chest. You’d think I’d get used to that devilish attractiveness, but the opposite happened. Every time I see him, he’s even more devastatingly handsome than he was before, and my guts tie themselves into knots when I remember he’s all mine.

Silus McLean is mine. I kidnapped a mafia boss and now I get to marry him. How outrageous is that?

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