Page 7 of Our Little Secret

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I look at my watch and snort at the fact that it’s three hours earlier than it is here. “At seven a.m.?” I ask. “He’s full of shit.” Christine sighs and gives me a look that says don’t shoot the messenger. “He just doesn’t want to deal with it either.”

“Okay, well they need someone in ten minutes.” She shrugs as if to say you two work it out.

Ten minutes later, I’m walking towards the conference room when a familiar smell hits me. It’s feminine but not too floral or fruity and somehow has the power to make me hard because I feel myself thickening in my pants. I turn around, looking for the source of the scent and trying to recall why I recognize it. When I see nothing and no one out of the norm, I ignore it and open the door to the conference room. As Dana and the rest of the Human Resources team go through their PowerPoint slides, I stand and watch in the back of the room, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed as I take in the six new members of our team. Their backs are all to me and it’s not lost on me that the scent from the hallway is even stronger in here which means someone is wearing that perfume.

I’ve slept with women that have worked for us before but it always got messy, and even though someone in this room has the power to make my dick hard with just a whiff, I am not interested.

Though I’ll admit, no one has made me this hard since Marissa.

Maybe I’m getting over her.

“Oh, and here he is.” Dana points towards me. “This is our CFO, Christopher Holt. You will all be reporting directly to him.”

Their heads turn as I make my way towards the front. “Hello everyone, welcome to—” I stop short when I get to the front of the room and have dragged my eyes over all six people seated at the conference table.

One very familiar person sits in the front, her legs crossed and her eyes wide, almost scared, as she meets my gaze. Those dark brown eyes that stared up at me while I was on top of her, that looked down at me while she rode me and while I ate her pussy.

God, she had the sweetest cunt.

Her hair is a little longer, more wavy than curly with one side pushed behind her ear, but she has the same high cheekbones and a full pout that is painted bright red. Warm brown skin that looks darker than I remember, like she’d spent the whole summer being kissed by the sun and I grit my teeth at the memory of running my lips all over her skin. Christ, she’s even more gorgeous than I remember her. I reluctantly pull my gaze away from her so it’s not obvious that I’m blatantly staring but not before I sweep my gaze over her bare toned legs that I can still feel wrapped around my waist.

My mouth goes dry and I feel like someone has knocked the wind out of me. I don’t know how much time has gone by but I think I recover quickly as I give them my very accelerated introductory spiel wanting to get the hell out of this room to collect my thoughts. “I’ll be conducting meetings with each of you today after onboarding,” I add as an afterthought wanting, no needing, a moment alone with her.

“Today?” Dana holds up her folder in front of our faces to give us a second of privacy and looks at me. “One on one’s this soon?” she whispers.

I nod before turning back to the six individuals all giving me varying looks of trepidation. “Very informal. I just want to get to know each of you.” I hold my hand out for the folder in Dana’s hand. She hands it to me and I open it doing a brief scan of the names.

Marissa Collins.

I snap the folder closed. “Great. Alphabetical order please.”

Oh, my fucking god! I’m pacing the length of the bathroom trying to stop myself from having a panic attack.

Deep breaths. In and out.

I know I only have a small window before someone comes to check on me but I’m hoping that maybe if I pass out, they’ll just send me to the emergency room and I won’t have to have this meeting with the guy I hooked up with three months ago. “Oh my god,” I say out loud just as I press the contact for my older sister for the third time in the span of a minute. When she sends me to voicemail, again, I leave her a panicked message.

“Heaven forbid I need you for something! This is a nine-one-one EMERGENCY!” I say before letting out a sigh. “Not life-threatening, just maybe the worst thing that could ever happen to me short of that.” My older sister is five years older than me and a litigator so there’s a good chance she’s in court today, but HELLO, my life is going up in flames! “If I don’t answer when you call me back it’s because I’m in meetings. I’ll talk to you later. Love you.” I squeeze my eyes together hoping that when I open them, I’ll be transported somewhere else.

While they’re closed, I wrack my brain trying to remember if I ever heard his last name at the wedding reception but I come up empty.

I open my eyes to stare at myself in the mirror. “You did nothing wrong. He did. He should be pacing his office. Why are you worried?”

It’s not necessarily that I’m worried, it’s more embarrassment that I have to face him.

I stare at my reflection, happy that I’d gone with the mid-length black business dress that cinches my waist and tastefully highlights my curves. Coupled with my favorite black heels, I’ll admit I look good and am happy with my choice of outfit for the first time he’s seeing me in three months. I touch up my lipstick and add a few more coats of mascara before tucking a few strands behind my ear.

“Let’s get this over with,” I whisper to myself as I push my way out of the bathroom. I make it to the lobby and allow someone to walk me to his office.

“He’s expecting you. Go right in!” A red-haired woman, who I assume is his assistant, sits several feet in front of his office door and gives me a sweet smile. I don’t go in right away and I hear her speak again. “He’s very sweet. Much nicer than the CEO.” She whispers the last part like it’s a secret as she comes around her desk and points at the office at the end of the hallway. “Mr. Beckham? Kind of a bear. Mr. Holt is all bark and no bite and sometimes his bark is more like a yap.” She giggles as she pushes her glasses up on her nose. “I’m Christine.” She’s shorter than me and her red hair is such a gorgeous color I can’t help but wonder if it’s natural with green eyes and freckles that dot her cheeks.


“Honestly, the worst thing about Mr. Holt is Mrs. Holt,” she says and my neck snaps to her so hard I swear I hear something crack.


“Mrs. Holt? His wife. God, she’s the worst. I keep hoping he’ll leave her but…I guess six years is a long time.”

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