Page 67 of Our Little Secret

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“Both.” He sighs and then I hear the clink of ice against glass again.

“You’ve just never said it before.”

“It didn’t seem fair to tell you that when I wasn’t free to.”

“I feel like we hardly know each other,” I whisper. “I mean…past the sex.”

He doesn’t say anything for a minute and I pull my phone away from my ear in case the call dropped. “I think I know you pretty well. I know you like white tulips with pink and that you’ve probably had three croissants a day since you’ve been there. I know your coffee preferences, your drink preferences, what you like to eat, and what you’re like when you’re sick. I know you like to read smutty books in the bubble bath and that you like to take them with me.” His voice lowers. “By the way, are you enjoying the tub in your apartment? Do you think about me when you’re touching yourself in the bath? Do you miss sitting on the edge of the tub while I lick the water away from between your legs?” I don’t respond and he continues. “I know everything you like in bed. I know a lot about you, Marissa. I even know the things you haven’t quite figured out yourself yet.” I drop to the couch, yoga completely forgotten and I briefly wonder if he’s going to take this conversation in a more salacious direction.

“What haven’t I figured out?”

“That you like that I can’t leave you alone.” I go to protest when he beats me to it. “You could have ignored my call, you know.”

“It’s still the work day in the States, it could have been about work,” I offer, but even I know that argument is weak.

“When have I ever called you about work?”

“Well, maybe you should. You call yourself my boss,” I quip.

“Imagine if I wasn’t. It would be much harder for me to take care of you while you’re there.”

I narrow my eyes curiously. “What does that mean?”

“Do you really think everyone has a thousand-dollar daily allowance?”

“That was you!” I shoot to my feet. I was shocked when I saw how much I was allotted for daily meals. “Chris, I don’t even put a dent in that every day.”

“Well, you should. Where have you been eating? Go somewhere nice. Take Emma.”

“Wha—how do you know I’ve been hanging out with Emma?”

“I know everything.”

“Stop spying on me!” I tell him but somewhere deep in my subconscious, the thought brings me a bit of happiness that he’s so curious about how I’m spending my free time in Paris.

“Oh, relax, I’m not.”

“Don’t you tell me to relax. It sounds like you are and can we back up for a second? How did you get me such a high stipend? And isn’t that setting off alarm bells that I’m the only one?”

“No. I said anyone that reports directly to me needs that much.”

“I’m the only one here that reports directly to you!”

“Funny how that worked out.” He chuckles. “Though to be fair, Liam and Elise will be there in a few weeks and they’ll get the same. Feel better?”

“Not really. Are you spying on me?”


“Christopher,” I warn.

“Fine. I may have looked at the cameras for the building and I see you two together most of the time.”

I dart my eyes around my apartment, suddenly very aware that I work for a security company. “Are there…cameras in my apartment? Don’t lie to me. I swear to God, Chris.”

“No.” He laughs. “I swear. I’m not that crazy. The cameras just show who’s coming in and out of the building. We own the building and it’s only for our employees, we just want to make sure everyone is safe.”

“So, if I brought a guy home, you’d know?”

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