Page 65 of Our Little Secret

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Me: You never know. I could have Parisian admirers.

Chris: I’ll bet you do. As long as I’m still your favorite.

I roll my eyes just as I hear Emma calling for me to move my ass.

Me: Thank you for the flowers.

Chris: Have a great day, beautiful.

Chris: Heard things are going well. Glad to hear it. I can’t stop thinking about you.

I’m sitting at lunch with Emma a few days later when his message comes through and I guess the smile that crosses my face is a dead giveaway because she squeals.

“Who has you smiling at your phone?” she asks, and when I look up, I see her straining to look at my screen from across the table. “And you expect me to believe your parents sent you those flowers?” She scrunches her nose and points her spoon at me before taking a bite of the best parfait I’ve ever had. “Let’s go out tonight.”

“It’s my ex,” I confess hoping that will get me out of trolling the streets looking for a European fling.

Her eyes widen and she shakes her head. “All the more reason to go out! You said you guys were done.”

“I believe I used the word ‘complicated.’”

She readjusts her beret and cocks her head to the side. “‘Complicated’ just sounds like a fancy way to say we’re in that toxic in-between where we just go back and forth hurting each other on the path to breaking up.” She uses air quotes before she takes a sip of her sparkling water.

If Emma worked for any department other than legal, I may have trusted her to tell her about Chris, but I value my job. I also don’t know her well enough to know her stance on women sleeping with married men. Hell, I barely know my own stance on it.

“You’re right, but the feelings are still there.”

“They always are.” She sighs. “Garrett won’t stop calling ever since I got here. Probably assuming I’m already fucking my way through Paris.” She pushes a strawberry around her bowl. “I made a mistake, blah blah blah, but it’s a very firm fuck no and fuck you from me.”

“I wish I could be that firm.”

“Oh, honey, did he cheat on you with four different women?” She snorts. “Maybe I wouldn’t be if he wasn’t such a lying cheating asshole. Also, he’s not even good in bed! I don’t know how he got four women to consistently sleep with him.” She scoffs. “I had this so I had to by law,” she jokes holding up her middle finger with her enormous diamond engagement ring.

“Why are you still wearing your ring anyway?”

“Because it’s four and a half carats with perfect clarity and I haven’t decided what I want to do with it yet.”

“I get not giving it back, but why are you wearing it?” I raise an eyebrow at her and she rolls her eyes.

“It’s pretty.” She holds it up. “It’s not the ring’s fault that the person who bought it was awful. It’s too gorgeous not to show off.” She rubs it sadly before dropping it into her lap. “So…tonight?”

It’s only Wednesday and we have an early meeting on Thursday so I was able to convince her it would be a better idea to go out this weekend, which is why I’m home by seven-thirty doing yoga in my apartment. It is my favorite thing to do to relax but I’d stopped for a while and just recently incorporated it into my trying my best not to think about Chris plan. I get up from my mat when my phone starts to ring and see his name across the screen.

So much for my plan.

“Yes?” I answer and a chuckle from the other end makes my nipples hard. Fucker.

“Hello to you too.” I haven’t heard his voice in almost two weeks and now my mind is flooded with all of the times I’ve heard it. All those times he groaned low in my ear when he was about to come. The times he’d grunted out my name while he spilled inside of me. When he fucked my face and exploded down my throat. The times he’d stroked my hand and told me how beautiful I was while we had dinner.

“Why are you calling?”

“I’m checking in with my favorite employee.”

“Fuck off.” I want to hang up and my finger hovers over the end call button but I can’t bring myself to do it.

“Trust me, I wish I could,” he says and I take a sip of my water wishing I had just let this call go to voicemail. “Are you thinking about me at all?”

“No,” I lie at first before I decide to go with the truth. “I mean…I am trying not to but you are making it hard.”

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