Page 60 of Our Little Secret

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“I want us to work on things.” She blinks rapidly at me. “Give up your girlfriend and give our marriage a shot.”

I am trying my best not to lose it but the thought of not being with Marissa is making me feel like I don’t have any control over my emotions. “You’ve lost your mind. I’ve been trying to go to counseling for five years. I’ve suggested divorce more than once and you chose to call my bluff. And what? Now that you realize I’m serious you want to work on things? I think the fuck not.”

“Then I destroy your little plaything.” She shrugs before she points towards the door. “She shouldn’t be hard to find. I know you have fraternization policies in place. She’ll be gone by the end of the week.”

I shake my head, feeling like the walls are closing in on me as I scratch my jaw knowing that the more I show my hand in regards to Marissa the more she’ll realize how important she is to me. “You don’t even love me, Holly. Why are you doing this?”

“We took vows, Chris, and I do love you.” Tears pool in her eyes and if I hadn’t known her for the better part of a decade, I’d think they were genuine, but she’s manipulative as hell and I know her games. “I’m your wife.”

My eyes fall to the folder on the desk wishing like hell she’d just sign them. “You sure as hell haven’t acted like it.”

“I never cheated on you, Chris,” she scoffs.

“There’s more to a healthy marriage than just not cheating on your spouse.”

“It’s a big part!”

“Fine, I destroyed this marriage, Holly. If that’s what helps you sleep at night, fine, but you’re going entirely too far. Blackmailing me into staying married? Are you insane?”

“It’s not blackmail and it’s not forever,” she says shrugging.

“We can argue the definition of blackmail in a minute. Spit out what you fucking want from me.” I can feel my anger rising and I really don’t want to get into a screaming match in the middle of my workday but she’s fucking pushing me with this back and forth.

“I’m willing to wait the year needed for us to file under irretrievable breakdown. Until then, you can move out, and we start going to counseling.”

“Oh, I’m moving out?” I blink at her, confused as to how she thinks she gets to keep the house I pay for.

“You surely don’t expect me to?” I let out a breath through my nose and press my fingers to my forehead to attempt to alleviate the pressure building. “No more Marissa, Chris. I mean it.”

“What gives you any fucking right—”

“The state of Pennsylvania?” She blinks at me. “And if you don’t play by my rules on this, I swear to God, Christopher.” I don’t say anything and she shakes her head. “I knew you were sleeping with other women. I was stupid to let it go on for so long but…you actually think you’re going to leave me for another woman?” She scoffs. “I don’t fucking think so.”

“So, you were okay with sharing my dick, but not me. When you don’t even want either.” I’m out of the chair, my body feeling tense and anxious over the thought of breaking up with Marissa.

Maybe Marissa would be willing to quit working here. I’d write her a stellar recommendation to go anywhere. Hell, our competition if she wanted to. Beck would understand. I think.

I run a hand through my hair as I begin to pace the length of my office. “You’re the fucking worst for this, you know that? I knew you were hateful, but this is on another level.”

“I’m hateful? You’ve fucked half the city behind my back and I’m hateful?”

I glare at her because I wasn’t about to let her make me feel like she was sitting at home crying over it. “You certainly never had a problem with it before.”

She takes a compact out of her purse and pulls the clip out of her hair before starting to fuss with it like she’s bored with this conversation. “You’re saying that makes it okay?”

“Actually, that is exactly what I’m saying. You didn’t give a shit so long as you still had access to whatever you wanted. The only reason it’s suddenly a big deal is because I’m asking for a divorce.”

Her green eyes snap to mine as she closes her compact with a hard smack. “And I’m not saying you can’t have one!” Her tone is bordering on shrill and it makes my skin fucking crawl.

“But you’re going to make me wait a year when you could just sign it now and we could be fucking done with it! You know nothing is going to change, Holly. We are not meant for each other.”

I want to tell her that based on how she acts she may not be meant for anyone until she does some serious reflection, but I refrain.

She takes a step closer to me and puts a hand on my arm. “I think we owe it to each other and this marriage to try.”

I pull out of her grasp as I shake my head. “It’s a waste of time.”

My time and Marissa’s. The thought that she wouldn’t wait the year flashes through my mind.

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