Page 56 of Our Little Secret

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“Well, for starters, because he’s currently in the other room arguing with his wife.”

She’s silent and all I hear are the sounds of her walking on her treadmill. “Seriously?”

“Yep.” I sit up in bed.

“I thought you said they had an open marriage or something.”

“I never said that. I said that he said that his wife didn’t care if he slept with other women.” I groan as soon as the words leave my lips. “I can’t believe I just said that.”

“Okay, why are they arguing?”

“I don’t know.”

“Okay, maybe they’re arguing over something house related.”

“What does that matter?”

“I just mean it’s different if she’s calling him to complain that he’s not home or that she misses him or something. Then yes, I would say that’s a bigger problem, but if she’s just calling to pick a fight with him because their coffee maker broke or she needs money or something then…that’s different.”

“Do you hear yourself, Autumn? He’s married and that is the bigger problem.” I sigh. “I should not have gotten in so deep with him.”

“Okay, come back from the dark side please. Do you love him?”

“I…it’s too soon to tell.” My knee-jerk reaction is to say yes but I can’t admit that to myself yet, let alone anyone else because I cannot be falling in love with a married man.

“Okay then maybe…maybe you take a step back.” I don’t say anything but the painful feeling in my chest leads me to believe that I am definitely in the process of falling for him. “Not forever, but just let him figure out what his plan is long term for leaving her and being with you. This doesn’t sound like it’s just sex for either one of you, but it’s impossible for you guys to really move forward unless he’s completely unattached and free to do so.”

I sigh. “How long does it take for a divorce to be finalized?” I ask, hoping she can provide some legal insight.

“It depends on so many things. If she were the one filing, she could obviously cite infidelity and that expedites the process but if he’s filing without a reason other than he doesn’t want to be married anymore and she’s not on board with that, it could take a long time.”

“What’s a long time?”

“A year of separation. Maybe longer?”

“Ugh, awesome.” I sigh.

“And if they have a lot of property and assets to divvy up, who knows. Him not having a prenup is going to make things dicey.”

“Yeah. I think that’s what the holdup has been this whole time.”

“Well, you’re twenty-one, Marissa, and if this guy is worth it, you just wait.”

“He hasn’t even taken any steps to do that though.”

“Which is why I said you need to talk to him and figure that out,” she says just as the door opens and Chris enters the room looking even more annoyed than before. He sits on the bed in front of me and gives me a sad smile.

“Can I call you back?”

“Of course, love you.”

“Love you too,” I tell her as I slide my phone away from my ear and toss it to the side. He looks at the phone and then back at me. “My sister.”

He nods and lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry about that.” I nod not really knowing what to say. I want to ask if everything is okay, but that feels like a ridiculous question because nothing about this is okay. “I uhhh…I need to run to my house.” His words feel like a punch in my stomach. Goosebumps pop up everywhere and I feel the tears building in the back of my throat. “Marissa, please just stay. I’ll be an hour tops.”

I shake my head. “No…” I let out a shaky breath. I want to ask him why he’s leaving but it really doesn’t matter.

“She tripped an alarm in one of the garages where I keep my vintage cars and I have to go disarm it,” he says as I get off the bed.

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