Page 46 of Our Little Secret

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I pull her away from my neck and meet her sad gaze. “Who’s letting anyone go?”

“I’m not that naive to think that this is going to be easy. And you stand to lose the most…I just…” She swallows nervously. “Right now, things are exciting and fun and new and sexy and I know there’s a possibility that when the novelty wears off, you may rethink the choice of wanting to blow up your entire life.”

“Marissa—” I start.

“No, I know you say it’s not like that but…it’s just hard for me to not have that thought in the back of my mind. You have so much to lose.”

“Maybe, but the tradeoff is getting you. I’m gaining what I want the most,” I tell her and watch the worry leave her face as she relaxes in my arms. “I get it. You think I’m just reacting impulsively to the most amazing sex of my life with the woman I haven’t been able to shake for months.” I grin at her and a shy grin finds her face. “But it really is bigger than that.” I sigh. “I want to be with you, Marissa. But on the off chance it doesn’t work out between us, I still need a divorce. I’m only thirty-four, and I can’t spend the rest of my life in this marriage. Now that I’ve seen that this is possible, I want it. I don’t want a life of complacency. I want to be married to the love of my life and Holly isn’t it.”

The next few weeks seem to fly by as I get acclimated to my new job. Even though I can feel Chris’ heated gaze on me every time I pass him in the office, we’ve managed to keep our hands off of each other between the hours of nine and five Monday through Friday. There was one time that he’d pressed me up against his car in the garage and kissed me senseless on a night I had plans with my sister, so I wasn’t staying at the penthouse. But other than that, we hadn’t done anything anywhere there was a chance we could get caught. Not only do I work for him and it is against some pretty strict fraternization policies, but everyone knows he’s married and I am not interested in letting the entire office think that fact doesn’t faze me. Or worse, that I’m sleeping my way to the top. Both of us have too much at stake.

It doesn’t stop us from spending most of our days texting though.

A beep distracts me from the email I’m sending and his name crosses my screen.

Chris: You look so beautiful today.

I can’t stop the smile from finding my face.

Me: So you told me this morning.

I’d stayed with Chris last night and we were almost late for work because he tried to fuck me on his kitchen counter when he saw me dressed and ready this morning.

Chris: And I’ll probably tell you three more times before the day is over.

I’m about to text him back when Elise, who was just recently hired as well, stops by my cubicle. “Hey girl.”

We’d bonded over going to the same college in Boston and having some mutual friends and our love for yoga and binge-watching Golden Girls reruns. She’d also managed to get on Wes Beckham’s bad side on her first day, so we’ve commiserated a few times over how much of an asshole he is.She’s sweet in that way that makes her liked by everyone, and while I’m sometimes wary of those types of women because they weren’t always that nice behind closed doors, I think she may actually be genuine.

“You coming out tonight?” she asks as she leans over my short wall and lets her hands rest under her chin. I’m in a group chat with all of the new hires and we’ve been trying to coordinate doing something outside of work since we started, but it hasn’t worked out until now. “I think a few other people from the office are coming too.”

As much as I wanted to hole up with Chris in his penthouse, I should probably try to make some friends with more of my colleagues. I am not by any means shy, but I am a hard worker and I rarely leave my desk while I’m here. I’m just trying to get acclimated and prevent getting screamed at again by one of the richest men in the country.

I nod. “Yep, I’ll be there. We’re meeting around eight, right?”

She moves into my cubicle which I’m thankfully not sharing with anyone yet and leans against my desk. “I think I want to hook up with Liam.”

I spin in my chair and cross my legs, leaning forward. “Oh?”

“I don’t know. We’ve been flirting and…texting outside our group chat.” Liam Patterson was also hired at the same time as us, and while objectively I find him attractive with his All-American boy look mixed with Southern boy charm, he really isn’t my type. The man I’m currently smitten with aside. “I know you guys are pretty good friends and at the risk of sounding so lame, has he…said anything about me?” Liam and I typically have lunch together, maybe because I’m the one girl in the office whose panties he’s not trying to get into.

“Ummm maybe?” I say, really not wanting to get involved. “I don’t really remember,” I say, but I do and he has. Something along the lines of hot and very fuckable. “But I don’t think he’s really interested in dating anyone.”

“Who said anything about dating?” She fusses with her curly hair in her compact mirror before tucking a blonde strand behind her ear. “I just want to have some fun. Anyway, I’m glad you’re coming. I’m probably going to text you later because I have no idea what I’m wearing,” she says with a smile before she disappears.

I pull up my messages with Chris once she’s gone and type out a reply.

Me: So a few of us new hires are going out tonight. Maaaaybe we can see each other later?

I hoped he could read between the lines that I would probably be a little tipsy and probably more overzealous than usual about putting my mouth on his dick.

Chris: I’ve been wondering when you all were going to go out. Where are you going?

Me: I think we are starting at someone’s house and then going somewhere in the city.

Chris: Behave yourself.

I raise an eyebrow at my phone, my fingers itching to type the words, but not sure how he’ll respond to it. Fuck it.

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