Page 43 of Our Little Secret

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“Fine. Complicated,” she corrects.

I hate the thought that she sees me as complicated even though I understand why. “You promise you’ll say it was all your idea?”

“Swear.” She crosses an x over her heart.

“I don’t want this to come back to bite me in the ass later.”

“If it does, I’ll let you bite mine as a way to say I’m sorry.” She giggles and I can’t stop the instant jerking of my cock in response to the thought of sinking my teeth into her perfect ass.

“I want to do more than bite that ass of yours,” I tell her and she squirms in her seat.

“Oh? Like what.”

I lick my lips. “Eat it, for one. Fuck it, for two.”

“I’ve never done that.”

I nod. “I didn’t think so but I wasn’t sure. You didn’t answer when I asked you last time.”

“You have a big dick.” She fiddles with her hands in her lap.

“Thank you.” I smile cockily and she smacks my arm in response.

“I’m worried about it being…there.”

“We’ll go slow,” I tell her. “I’ll make it feel good for you. I promise to always make it feel good for you.”

Moments later we are pulling up around the corner from her house for her to get out and she stares up at the house that is obviously not hers before letting out a defeated sigh. “You know it’s not about you, right?” She tilts her head to the side without looking at me. “I mean it is but it’s not,” she tries to explain.

“I know,” I tell her. “I get it.” She gets out of the car and I frown, that she does it before I have a chance to open the door for her. I grab her bag out of the trunk and put it on the sidewalk next to her. “So, I can see you later?”

“Text me the address.” She nods before she wraps her arms around me. “I want to see you too.”

I cup her face in my hands and press my lips to hers without another thought. I slide my tongue through her lips without a care in the world that she hasn’t been feeling well or that we are in the middle of her neighborhood. I need her taste on my tongue and nothing else matters. She gives in with ease, rubbing her tongue against mine and pressing that delectable little body against me.

“What time should I expect you?” I murmur against her lips.

“Maybe an hour?” she says and I nod in response.

“I’ll send you the codes for the garage and the elevator.”

“Will you not be there?”

“Of course, but just so you have them. You can go whenever you want, even when I’m not there.” She bites her lip nervously and I grip her jaw forcing her to release it. “I’m the only one with the codes.” I rub my nose against hers. “And now you. No one else will ever be there.”

She nods before grabbing her suitcase. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

“See you soon, gorgeous.”

I already knew the high of the weekend with Marissa was going to dissipate the second I stepped foot into my house and realized Holly was home. I am actually shocked that she even called me in the first place. She rarely does unless she needs me to approve a big purchase that she’s preparing to put through on the credit card. I wasn’t even expecting her to be home at all. I figured I could get in and out with a change of clothes and be ready to meet Marissa at my penthouse with roses I’d already called in to my local florist and more tea in case she still has some lingering effects of her cold.

I feel rattled the second I walk through the door, as if the previous weekend of relaxation with Marissa hadn’t happened. Despite what happened last night, I felt lighter than I have in weeks.

But the second I walked in, Holly is waiting for me in my bedroom with a saccharine grin masking her usual look of indifference.

“What are you doing in my bedroom?” I ask her as I drop my bag in my closet and begin looking for a suit to wear tomorrow. While I have suits at my penthouse, I know I have a meeting tomorrow and I wanted to wear one of the ones I keep here.

“Does a woman need a reason for wanting to be around her husband?”

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