Page 24 of Our Little Secret

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Al Green, Adele, Bruno Mars, The Beatles, Stevie Wonder.

And he’s got taste in music.

He turns down the music as the red brake lights get closer. “So, is your mom a cop?”

“Huh?” I ask.

“You said she’d be running my plates. Is she a cop?”

“Oh. No. She’s a retired college professor.”

“Very cool. What subject?”

“Sociology. She was a social worker but she stopped after she had my older brother and decided to teach a few years after she had me.” I pause. “But my dad’s a retired judge. So, yeah, she has access.” I laugh.

He whistles. “Intense.”

“Yes. I’m glad he wasn’t home. You may want to drop me off around the corner on Sunday unless they’re out somewhere.”

He nods, though something tells me he’s not in agreement with doing that. “Your mom seems fun.”

“The life of the party.”

“I like that. My mom is far from that.” He laughs.

“What’s she like?”

“Quiet. Very quiet. She didn’t used to be but…losing my Dad hit her hard.”

“Oh.” I frown, thinking about losing one of my parents. “I’m really sorry. How long has it been?”

He narrows his eyes like he’s trying to count. “Maybe thirteen years now?” He whistles again. “Damn, doesn’t seem like it’s been that long. I was a junior in college, so yeah, that’s about right.”

Younger than I am now. I frown, my heart breaking for him because I couldn’t imagine not having either of my parents. “You were so young. I’m sorry.” My frown deepens. “Has she not remarried?”

“Nope.” He shakes his head. “I think she might be seeing someone now though. I don’t know the details; I only know that there’s been a new guy sniffing around. She still lives in Michigan where I’m from and I think my sisters are keeping me out of the loop on purpose because they don’t want me to come to town and scare him off.”

“Would you?” I ask, tilting my head to the side. “Scare him off?”

“No, but I don’t want some asshole taking advantage of my mother.”

I eye him curiously. “And your sisters wouldn’t make sure that doesn’t happen?”

“Not the same way I would,” he says. “My sisters are…too sweet. They have no bite to them.”

“Ah.” I giggle, thinking about Chris’ assistant saying that he also had no bite.

“I know I’m supposedly the nice one at the office, especially compared to Beck, but that’s work. I can be ruthless when it comes to my family. I guess it came with being the only man once my dad died.” I nod, though a nagging feeling flashes through me, reminding me that he has another family. “Or anyone I care about,” he adds and when I turn to look at him, I can sense his gaze on me.

I’m glad I’m wearing a maxi dress under a denim jacket because goosebumps arise everywhere. The last of the sun is starting to set so he pulls his sunglasses off.

“Are your sisters younger? Older?” I ask, not trying to go down the road of unpacking what he meant or if he was implying that he cares about me.

“One older, one younger. I know you have an older sister, but is that all?”

“An older brother also,” I tell him.

“Fuck, and you’re the baby. I’m screwed.” He chuckles as he changes lanes with ease and I hate how fucking hot he looks maneuvering this very sexy car through the traffic. “Tell me about your brother. How can I win him over?”

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