Page 21 of Our Little Secret

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“Yes, I was thinking we could see a show if you wanted. Beckham Securities has a box and we can see pretty much anything we want. We just have to let them know a few days in advance if we won’t be using it, but we typically use them.” He laughs. “If no one in the office wants to use the box, we offer it to clients.”

I remember them mentioning taking future and existing clients to shows but I hadn’t realized they had tickets all the time. “Okay, what show is it?”

“Have you seen Hamilton yet?”

My eyes widen and my mouth drops open in shock. “Are you kidding me?! No, I haven’t seen it. Tickets have been sold out for what…a year!?”

He chuckles. “So, I’ll take that as a yes to another date then.”

I would have said yes to a picnic in Central Park but HAMILTON!?

“Yes definitely, sounds great,” I tell him as I practically jump off my bed and run to my walk-in closet to try to decide what to wear.

“So, you’re okay with leaving tomorrow night? We can leave Saturday if you prefer.”

“And what’s the plan for tomorrow?”

“Well, I was thinking we could have dinner.”

I drag a hanger across the rack nixing dress after dress. “Okay, what time should I be ready?”

“Can I pick you up?”

I think about how vague I can be when I tell my parents I’m going to New York for the weekend without having to lie to them. I hate lying to them, probably because I’ve never really had to. But I really don’t want a bunch of questions if they figure out I’m crossing state lines to spend the weekend with a man that they’ve never heard me speak of. “I suppose,” I say. “Just…don’t get out of the car.”

“You embarrassed of me or something?” he jokes.

“I would prefer not to explain who the gorgeous older man is that’s picking me up for a weekend in another state if you don’t mind?”

“Would your parents have a problem with my age?”

“No. They’ll have a problem with your marital status though.”


“My parents are…” I squint my eyes because my parents are very hard to explain. Very smart, opinionated, a little judgmental, and it takes a while for them to warm up to you. But when they do, they’re loyal as hell and they’ll go to war for you like you are family. “They’ll just have a lot of questions and my mom will want to have you over for dinner and know all about your family and…”

“I can come over for dinner. It’s been a while since anyone’s cooked for me.”

WHAT? “I am not ready for that.”

“I’m kidding. I get it. I won’t get out of the car.”

“Okay, what time?”

“How’s six? It will give us time to get to the city and get settled before dinner.”

“Are we taking the train?”

“No, I want as much time alone with you as possible. I’m going to drive.”

Fuck. I mouth thinking about being in an enclosed space with Chris for almost two hours. I squeeze my eyes shut and send up a silent prayer that the ride won’t end up feeling like foreplay.

At least, he’ll have to focus on the road.

“Where are you going, young lady?” My mother peeks her head out of her office as I roll my carry-on suitcase towards the door. She pushes her glasses down on her nose and gives me a look similar to the ones she’d give me as a teenager when I was off to get into trouble. “Overnight it seems?”

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