Page 14 of Our Little Secret

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“What are you worried about?”

“You charming my dress off again.” Since we are being honest.

“What if I promise to be a perfect gentleman?” he asks. “Unless of course, you ask me not to.”

I scrunch my eyes together. This is a really bad idea. “One dinner.”

“Yes,” he says, like a prayer. “Yes. When?” he asks immediately, like he doesn’t want to let me off the phone until I give him a day.

“Maybe Friday?”

“That’s too far away.”

I need time to get myself together.

“How about tomorrow?” he asks and as much as I want to say yes, I refuse to make it that easy. Make him sweat.

“I can’t tomorrow,” I say, already making a mental note of what reason I can’t in case it comes up.

“You really going to torture me until Friday?”

I let out a breath. “Thursday, final offer.”

“Okay. Yes. Thursday is great.” I can hear the relief in his voice.

“Just dinner and we are only talking,” I reiterate.

“Of course.”

“I want the truth, Chris. No bullshit.”

“None, I promise,” he says immediately.

“Okay.” I nod, suddenly feeling awkward and unsure how to end the conversation. Or if I even want to. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your dinner with your sister.”

“Thank you. Have a good night.” I end the call and make my way into the restaurant to see my sister staring in my direction.

“I was about to come looking for you. Everything okay?”

“Yeah.” I nod. I don’t want to tell her about dinner with Chris because I know she’ll want to talk about it and I’m not even sure how I feel about it yet.

I try to tell myself that it’s just a harmless dinner but I hear the unspoken lie loud and clear.

I can’t even hide the smile on my face as I toss my phone to the side. She said yes. I mean I know I didn’t make it easy for her to say no but I half expected her to tell me to fuck off. I stretch my feet out, propping them up on the coffee table in my home office which has become my only place of solitude. There have been weekends when I haven’t left this space at all because I didn’t want to be bothered. Not only is it my office, where I come to work but there is also a full bar in the corner complete with a refrigerator, sink, and microwave. A flat-screen television is mounted on the wall with a couch and two loungers set in front of it. A pool table is in the corner and there is a full ensuite bathroom nestled in the other corner. I never use the term ‘man cave’ exactly, but it is one place Holly rarely bothers me.

Speaking of Holly, is she even home?

I hadn’t gotten the alert that anyone had opened the door or the garage since I got home, so it’s possible that she’s out. I would call her to check on her but that usually causes an argument I am not in the mood for. I think about calling Beck to see if he wants to stop by but it’s getting late, and I know he’s got a lot to do before he travels to Miami in a few days. I mindlessly flip through the channels, trying to find something to watch but my mind is elsewhere. I am so fucking restless and I’ve been like this for months. I make my way out of my office, turning off some lights and leaving some on for Holly when she gets home before I decide a workout will relieve some of this tension. I run a few miles on the treadmill and lift for a while before I realize what it is I’m feeling. I’m anxious.

I’m anxious over dinner with Marissa. Nervous excitement pumps through me that the spark between us is fueled by more than just sex. I towel off after spending an hour trying to rid myself of this tension before making my way towards the bedroom where I sleep alone and into my personal bathroom.

The thought of Marissa sharing this bed with me pops into my head reminding me that she’s the last person I’ve shared a bed with. She’d fallen asleep in my arms after she’d sworn she wasn’t going to and I chuckled as she snuggled up against me, pushing her face into my chest and nuzzling against it. I’d watched her sleep for I don’t know how long, watching the cute little faces she made in her sleep before pressing a gentle kiss to her lips and falling asleep with her in my arms. I turn my head towards the king bed and a mental image of her crawling across it, naked, flashes through my mind, and my dick throbs at the visual my brain is concocting.

I head towards the bathroom, discarding my sweaty clothes and tossing them into my laundry basket before turning on the water and preparing to fuck my fist yet again at the memory of her.

I step into my walk-in shower with my hand already wrapped around my dick. I pull it once as I picture her coming up behind me, her arms wrapped around my middle as she presses her breasts to my back and drags her lips along my shoulder.

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