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It sounds completely insane but I guess I enjoy that quality. I don’t get to see it much outside of me and my family arguing with each other.

I tried to find the woman’s name myself but it led to a dead end. The woman working as the front desk clerk was very polite but refused to give me any information about a tiny blonde woman who checked in with a dog the size of a racehorse.

“That’s one heck of a description,” she smiled softly. “But even if I knew her, I couldn’t give you her name. It’s against our policy.”

I guess I should applaud her for that discretion. It’s an important quality in a concierge, even if it works against my interests. I still want to get to know this mystery woman, maybe get her to agree to lunch or coffee with me. That is, if the smoke has stopped coming out of her ears.

Crap, I haven’t even considered if she’s married or here with someone else. If she is here with someone, I have to applaud the man for being able to handle her fierce personality. But I’m hoping she’s here alone, and quite single.

I’m not normally one to wish and hope, but this might be an exception. Normally, I would brush off an encounter like the one we had but I need to know more. What makes someone as bold and vibrant as this mystery girl?

Chapter eight

Meg – A Worrisome First Encounter

“There’s a really hot guy that’s been asking about you,” Mia smirks, as she finishes making dinner for us.

“What? Why?” I whip my head around.

“He just wants to know if a woman with a dog the size of Texas is still staying here,” she giggled. “His words, not mine.”

“Did he say anything else?” I ask.

“Why, are you curious? Should I have corrected him and said that you actually have two cats and an iguana instead?”

“I just don’t want the guy to cost me my job,” I say, explaining what happened when we crashed into each other.

Mia can’t hold back her laughter. “So, you bit the guy’s head off?”

“He just stood there, looking at me like he didn’t know what to do!” I defend. “Most gentlemen would have immediately helped me up instead of looking at me like an idiot.”

“A hot idiot,” she grins. “I saw him hanging out by the pool earlier today. If he’s not a total himbo, I say go for it.”

“Go for what, exactly?”

“Meg, you know exactly what I mean.” She points at me. “You haven’t dated anyone for a few years, and now you have this guy trying desperately to find out your name. Just talk to him and go from there.”

I frowned. “Easier said than done.”

“What’s the problem? If you like him, great, but if not, he’ll check out and you’ll never see him again.”

“What if he’s trying to find me so he can complain and get me to lose my job?” I theorize.

“What gives you that impression?” She asks, as we settle at the table with our plates of pasta pesto.

“I don’t know, he just seems like the kind of stuck-up guy who’s used to getting what he wants,” I reply. Mia gives me a look.

“Wow, you got all of that in a matter of thirty seconds? And besides, Meg, do you really think our grandfather would fire you? Come on, girl, get serious.”

“Okay, you know what I mean! He’s too perfect-looking and was probably raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. At least, that’s the impression I got of him.”

“That doesn’t seem fair to me.” Mia shakes her head. “You’re judging this guy way too much. So, he’s a little clumsy and got distracted before he could apologize for running into you. And?”

Well dang, when she puts it that way…

Maybe my best plan is to find him and apologize, even though it was his fault. I hate to admit it but those piercing brown eyes and blond hair—it’s a lethal combination.

“You’re thinking about it!” Mia points, teasing me. “You like him!”

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