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Mia smiles and swallows hard before answering. “It’s the same way Mom and Dad used to look at each other.” Mia wipes back tears before they even have a chance to fall. I wrap her in a hug as the waterworks come for me next.

“I thought I had forgotten about that look years ago,” Mia whispers. “But then I saw the way you and Drew look at each other it was like … like a piece of them was here again.”

We were just kids when our parents passed away, and there are too many things that I know I’ve forgotten about them, things that I’d do anything to get back.

I can’t say I remember their voices anymore, and the only time I can see them smile is in old photos. But their real smiles, the candid ones, those were the ones never caught on film.

Memories of them fade with time, never to return. At least, that’s what I thought until Mia reached her teens. She looks way more like Mom than I thought she would. When Mia laughs hard enough, I can see a flash of Mom again, and I feel like I have a piece of her back in my life.

I guess that’s the same way that I seem for Mia. I know she’s only two years older than I am, but she has more memories of our parents to cling to. Mom and Dad’s loving glances at each other must be her most treasured memories.

“I didn’t know that,” I whisper back to my dear sweet sister.

“When Drew told you who he really was, I was devastated,” Mia explains.

“I knew my loyalty was to you and the inn but deep down, I was hoping he could make things right, because I didn’t want you to lose someone like him.”

“You gave him dagger eyes for weeks!” I point out, my tears mixing with chuckles.

“Hey, he was trying to buy the inn,” she defends. “But he turned things around and look at the two of you now.”

“Yeah,” I nod. “I don’t want to mess it up.”

“Look at the ring on your finger,” Mia says, pointing to it. “Do you think just any guy is going to propose with his mother’s ring? Do you think just any guy would do everything in his power to save a quaint little inn like Seaside for someone he wasn’t absolutely crazy for?”

“No,” I shake my head.

“Drew isn’t going anywhere anytime soon,” she assures me. “He looks at you the way Dad looked at Mom,” she says, choking back more tears. “I think you two will be just fine.”

Somehow, that was all I needed. My nerves began to ease from Mia’s words, and everything in my heart made sense again. Now that Drew is in my life, I can’t see one without him.

He could have very easily insisted that we move back to New York, but knowing how much Seaside means to me, he didn’t so much as hesitate when he said we were staying here. It was like it wasn’t even up for debate. It was simple.

“When did you get to be such a softie?” I tease, as I wipe away a few more tears on her face. “First it was Drew, and now you.”

“Well, I guess seeing you get your happy ending with Drew makes me feel like there might be one in my future too.” She shrugs. “Maybe romance isn’t just in fiction.”

“It isn’t,” I assure her. “But it’s nice when your crush can fly in every once in a while,” I tease, nodding to her book about her angel boyfriend tucked into her tote bag by her desk.

She throws her head back laughing and I can’t help but join in.

“This is true,” she nods. “But I’ll take a nice guy who doesn’t mind a girl who likes to read as much as I do.”

“That’s a fair ask,” I agree. “Thanks for the pep talk, sis.”

“Anytime,” she winks.


I’ve helped to set up so many weddings here at the inn, but I never thought one of them would be mine. My grandpa comes down the aisle as Mia and I are putting the last of the sunflowers on the altar.

“Hey, pumpkins,” he smiles at both of us, wrapping us in a hug. It’s rare for my grandfather to show affection, but with the special occasion upon us, he makes an exception.

“I know I don’t say things like this a lot,” he starts. “But I’m very proud of both of you and the young women you’ve become.”

“Thanks, Papa,” we say in unison.

“Now I know that you two are both staying here, and Mia will have the cottage to herself, I want to give you and your sister a special gift before your big day.”

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