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I don’t want a love that’s easy. I want one that’s real.

“Care for some company?” I hear Mia’s voice drawing closer. She holds a cup of tea and a book in her hands as she walks over and leans back against one of the trees holding the hammock.

“Always,” I smile.

“What’s got you smiling?” she asks.

“What do you mean?”

“When I walked up, your eyes were closed and you were smiling. What were you thinking of?”

“Prince Charming riding down the beach on a white horse,” I say, watching as she opens her book.

“I don’t think we have many guys like that in Florida,” she chuckles.

“Do you ever think about it? Finding love?” I ask. “I would think so. You’re always reading about it.” I point to her romance novel.

“Sometimes,” she admits. “But then I think about how it is in real life. It’s too complicated for me.”

“You mean it’s not rational enough for you,” I point out. “Unless there’s a defined way of doing something, it’s not for you. Love is a crapshoot, and emotions aren’t logical.”

“Not fair!” She starts to object, but once I give her the side-eye, suddenly she’s quiet.

“I get it,” I say, knowing we’ve both had our own fair share of heartbreaks. “But knowing what you know now, wouldn’t you want a relationship again?”

“I think I do sometimes but really, I’m happy with how things are. What about you?”

“I wouldn’t mind some romance in my life,” I reply. “Honestly, I want what I see our guests having.”

“Which is?”

“Romantic getaways to a quaint little seaside town where no one knows who they are. Long walks on the beach, kisses at sunset, and long deep conversations that start in the evening and go into the early morning.”

She scoffs. “Yeah, just let me grab my magic wand and I’ll get right on that. Oh wait, I forgot it’s in the shop for the foreseeable future.”

“You asked! Don’t make fun of me.” I reach up to pull a leaf from the tree and throw it at her.

“With love. I tease you with love,” she laughs. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting a relationship like that.”

“But?” I side-eye her again, knowing there are strings attached.

“But I don’t think you should get your hopes up too quickly even if a charming man comes into your life. That’s all.”

I’m about to object again, but I realize she’s been the one to dry the tears after the worst breakups I’ve gone through. I know because I’ve done the same for her.

I can only appreciate how even after we’ve grown up, she’s still looking out for her little sister. “Duly noted,” I nod.

From the corner of my eye, I watch Mia as she dives back into the idealized world of her romance novel. It’s one of many that crowd her bookshelves.

My theory is that the entertainment we’re attracted to says a lot about what we feel is lacking in our lives. Mia has read more romance novels than I can count, and certainly more than I have. We’re both drawn to the strong male love interest who wants to protect and cherish the female main character.

And happily-ever-after moments are a necessity.

Sometimes her tastes are a little weirder, though. I like to tease her when she reads fantasy romances with magic, flying monsters, and wild adventures. They’re such a contrast with the rational-minded big sister I know and love.

I tend to lean toward more realistic contemporary romance. Maybe that’s where my hopeless romantic side comes from. What’s interesting is that contemporary stories aren’t really that far off from relationships that can happen in real life.

Maybe that’s why I read them the most. They portray love stories that are epic and intense and relatable but are also possible.

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