Page 9 of Playing for Keeps

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My eyes flickered to her and I faltered on my path to Adam. She was easily one of the prettiest girls in the room, with a beige dress that showed off her thighs and a perfect window to her breasts. And she only had eyes for Adam, yanking on his pant leg.

That was good, right? If Adam had a distraction, it’d be easier to shut down the party.

But it didn’t change how much I fidgeted with my pajamas.

Adam stepped down from the kitchen counter and grimaced when he spotted her. "Tracy, you have to get out of here."

"What?" She blinked at him. "We’re hanging out tonight."

"No, we’re not."

"You said we were hanging out tonight."

"Yeah." He placed the champagne bottle back on the counter. "Plans change."

Tracy scoffed. "You better be joking, Marrs Manwhore. You said after the Birchwood Bowl and—and I bought underwear for this! It wasn’t cheap!"

"Goddammit, I didn’t ask you to buy anything." Adam dug out his wallet and took out a fistful of bills, tossing them at her without another look. "Here. I’m sure you won’t have a problem finding new dick. Happy hunting."

"Jackass," Tracy spit out and elbowed her way through the crowd, throwing her middle finger back at him.

I stood there, motionless.

The disinterested way he threw money at her…seriously, what was his problem? It baffled me.

Adam’s eyes flickered over and caught mine like a steel trap. A huge grin lifted on his face before he glanced down at my pajamas. At first, embarrassment hit me. I’d gotten the clothes from the aquarium back home in Oklahoma. They clearly weren’t worn for the party. But the way the linebacker stared at me…

I should’ve worn a bra.

With a deep blush, I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Piper!" He pushed through the crowd. "I had to put out the bat signal for you, didn’t I?"

"The…bat signal?"

"You came just in time. The host needs to be entertained."

For a moment, I stared at him in complete disbelief. Was Adam saying what I thought he was saying? "And by bat signal, you mean…?"

"You are fantastic at ignoring someone. Olympic medal worthy." Adam’s grin widened and he cut the distance between us. His entire life was spent popping other people’s personal bubbles without a care in the world. "I knew I had to get you in here somehow."

"Adam, you threw this party for me to shut down?"

"Do you want a drink?" He thumbed towards the kitchen. "I make a great margarita. Salt rim and everything. Come on, I’ll show you how to make one."

I had to follow after him. "Adam—"

"What about half salt, half sugar rim? Best of both worlds."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "You need to shut this party down. And…I’m here to apologize."

"Apologize? For the hair conditioning?"

He meant the pie. "Um, yes. You’re my resident. That was crossing a line, and if we’re going to be living next to each other, I’d like for the two of us—"

"Did your boss give you a time-out over it?"

I’d been expecting a punishment for smashing a slice of pie in his face, but the opposite happened. Most of the other RAs dropped me a thank you. Some of them even tried to high-five me. The leader of RV had burst into laughter and said Adam had it coming to him.

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