Page 89 of Playing for Keeps

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A laugh slipped out of Kassie. It wasn’t malicious, it was just a surprised laugh, and she stopped herself when she realized I wasn’t laughing too. "Hold up…are you serious?"


"Okay. Handcuff him to it." Kassie grinned. "Ryan’s constantly trying to get him to sign up for more stuff."

"It’ll be good for him," I said.

"You know what?" Kassie turned over the paper to reveal three sketches of me, sitting with an upright posture. The details were amazing. My mouth fell open and Kassie shrugged. "I think you’re just what Adam needs. There’s nothing better than a—"

Off the field, a trumpet sounded off.

The words stopped from Kassie, and both of us leaned up in our seats, looking out over a field of confused football players. She started to ask me if I’d heard that but I was already asking her. In the distance, another instrument joined in, and then…singing?

From the doors, a group of singers in bright blue outfits streamed out, belting in Spanish.

Kassie’s mouth fell open. "Is that a fucking Mariachi band?"

It wasn’t just one. Everyone craned their necks in their seats to see another band bursting out of the doors in dark red jackets, their guitars strumming along to beautiful verses. But what were they doing here? I caught sight of Adam, striding over to the side of the field, while the other football players were laughing behind him.

And then another band came through.

The assistant coaches stared, baffled.

When the fourth band hit the field, I couldn’t keep the laughter in. Kassie was laughing too, at two of the bands, arguing loudly with each other over who could play, two of them ignoring the assistant coaches trying to ask questions, or the fifth band, cramming themselves on the field too.

I know exactly who did this.

I searched for Adam in the crowd but I didn’t have to. Adam was in the midst of talking to the band leaders, gesturing to the exit. "My fault!" he shouted. "Sorry, forgot I booked them!"

All of the dumbfounded looks from the other football players just made me laugh harder.

"Oh my god," Kassie wheezed and held on to the guard rail. "Why? Only Adam. Fuck. Only Adam!"

Adam had the bands taking their exits when his eyes caught mine. He waved. He had the audacity to wave. Part of me didn’t want to laugh - that was encouraging bad behavior. But the whole scene was so funny, it hurt my ribs just to look at it.

"Getting Adam to the events is the easy part," Kassie snickered. "It’s getting him to behave that’s the hard one. Thank god Ryan isn’t here." With a sigh, she leaned back in her seat. "I just wish someone would get Adam good. He can smell a prank a mile away. One day someone’s going to get him though. And it’s going to be crazy to see."


At the sound of my name, I glanced back at the entrance to the bleachers. Coach Lawson’s PR intern, Cleo, stood there with a clipboard in one hand and a coffee in the other. Did she call me?

She must have.

With a nod back, she gestured for me to follow her.

What did the PR intern want from me?

"Coach Lawson wishes to see you," she informed me.

My stomach dropped.

Oh no.

I jerked back in my seat to search Adam out in the crowd and spotted him at once, clapping someone on the back. Did Coach Lawson want to talk about the weekend? No. I didn’t believe that.

Adam’s eyes met mine again but when he spotted Cleo behind me, the smile fell off his face.

Somehow—somehow—I knew they found out about the Clemenza.

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