Page 70 of Playing for Keeps

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It was silent for long minutes, but when I looked up, Piper gazed at the wall, her eyebrows knitted in contemplation. Slowly, she cocked her head to the side. Her eyes met mine again.

She didn’t look upset anymore. Her gray eyes turned to hard steel.

I frowned. “What?”

“I think…I have an idea,” she whispered.

“You’re drunk.”

“I am,” she readily admitted, “but that doesn’t mean the idea isn’t a good one.”



Out Of The Ballpark

Back at KYU, I got drunk, at most, five or six times altogether. Thomas always said it was too embarrassing. After a couple of drinks, I got too clingy, too touchy, and we had a lot of long conversations about how being a football player’s girlfriend meant top-notch appearances, not me after a daiquiri.

So my tolerance was…nonexistent.

Making our way to Xavier's cousin’s house, decked out in dark clothing, I was just drunk enough to walk and talk, but also drunk enough to completely ignore that inner voice telling me this was a bad idea.

“We’re just keying his car,” Adam reminded me, like he was trying to convince me, as if I hadn’t been the one to convince him. “That’s all we’re doing, Piper.”

I nodded. “Sure.”

“Piper. You can’t say sure. I asked you a simple question. You’re supposed to say yes or no.”

“Yeah.” I nodded again, focusing on putting one foot ahead of the other. Xavier's cousin’s house wasn’t in a tight-knit neighborhood. The houses were spread apart, a good walk away from where the taxi dropped us off.

But the distant bright red Clemenza gleamed in the moonlight.

That car’s going to get it.

“Piper,” Adam whispered, grabbing my arm, tugging me back. He had a KYU bandana tied around his mouth, but the disguise wasn’t much. I could still clearly tell it was the Marrs Manwhore. His dark eyes bore into mine. “I need to make sure you’re okay. We’re just keying his car. Then we’re walking back to the bus stop, and the taxi will pick us up. Look me in the eye. Are you good?”

“I’m great.” I tried to smile. “I couldn’t be better.”

“Are you sure?”

“Couldn’t be more sure-er.”

Adam didn’t seem all that convinced, but we’d already taken two separate taxis and walked twenty minutes so that no one could point us back to what happened. He sighed and reached for my hand, unfurling my fingers until he could place the key in my hand.

We were planning to key a guy’s car and Adam was being…gentle with me.

I was too drunk to think about that.

“You’re going to key his car, and then we’re getting out of here,” Adam repeated, his voice softer than usual. “I’ll keep a lookout.”

I frowned, looking down at the keys. “You don’t want to…?”

“This is your thing, ice princess. I’m here to make sure you don’t get in trouble.”

“Just the bodyguard?”

Those little lines that appeared with his smiles, lined around his eyes, no doubt matching the grin on his concealed lips. For as weird of a night as it was, I smiled back.

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