Page 55 of Playing for Keeps

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His cock.



The Chainmail Blanket

Oh my god.

Thicker than I'd ever seen before and longer than any man had the right to be. I choked when I saw it. I’d seen Adam naked before, in his bedroom when I’d woken him up, but that’d been for half a second in a dark bedroom before I’d squeezed my eyes shut. This was high definition in a college where the only lights that didn’t flicker were apparently in this dorm’s bathroom.

The way the water cascaded down his body…he was so beautiful. It was unfair.

I stumbled backward and closed my eyes again, for real this time. “Adam—”

His voice was low. “Get in the shower.”


“I’m getting out,” he said. “I’ll take your towel and open the door.”

That was an actual plan we could stick to, but it was difficult to think through it after getting a full look at naked Adam. With as much determination as I could scrape together, I touched the slick tile of the shower wall and stepped into the shower with him.

I could feel when he drew near, when his hand touched my towel.

My heart thumped in my chest.

“Piper? Let’s go somewhere,” he muttered.

I could finally look at him while he was so close. The only way I’d get a glance at the rest of his body was if I purposely looked down. I cracked open an eye. “What?”

“Let’s go somewhere,” he said again, never looking away from me. “We can go to Dallas or Austin or something. You need to let go and just…enjoy yourself. We’ll make it into some bullshit housing thing and I’ll fund it.” His voice dropped even lower. “No sex. We can just go have some fun.”

I searched his face. “You’re joking.”

“Not joking.”

As crazy as it sounds, I was actually tempted. Very much tempted. Thomas traveled around for football games, but he assured me that football girlfriends just ruined the trips for everybody, and I had to stay home. Those had been lonely, long weekends of watching the highlights on his social media pages. When was the last time I went out and did anything like that?

But with Adam?

I couldn’t forget everything that happened. The entire weekend had been painful. Actually, the entire time of being his RA had been super painful. And who was to say this wasn’t another one of Adam’s jokes? I didn’t want to be the butt of one. I wanted to be on top of this.

“Let me make this crystal clear,” I whispered, a hard edge to my voice. “You’re the guy who ruined my presentation. You’re the guy who pulled me into a pool, who single-handedly messed up this weekend. The guy who’s been terrorizing the residents of my floor. Adam, you’re arrogant. Your ego knows no bounds. You’re a walking narcissism diagnosis!”

Adam took a step closer.

There was a catch in my breath. “You’re the last man in the world I’d ever consider going out with.”

Slowly, Adam nodded.

“And you’re delusional if you think anything different,” I finished, my voice wobbling a little at the end.

He never said anything. His eyes trailed down my face, so slowly I could feel heat rising where his gaze touched. It was like he was stroking my face. It was so intimate.

Holding my breath, I watched him drink me in. When had he moved closer? Adam was only six inches away from me now. Water droplets dripped off his jaw to my towel below.

The towel wrapped around my naked body.

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