Page 53 of Playing for Keeps

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“No,” I snapped.



Okay, maybe I did need help with the dress, but I wouldn’t ask Adam for help in a thousand years. My fingers grasped the zipper again, and I sighed in relief, pulling it down.

My phone buzzed on the charger.

The zipper flew out of my hands, and I almost kicked the nightstand in frustration. The screen lit up, and it took one look to confirm who hit me up.

To Be Blocked: bitch

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. He always had the astonishing gift of texting at the right time.

God knows I wanted to block him. But there was a box of my things at his place, with my favorite CDs, and pictures of my family, and my prized stuffed animals. Until I gathered up the courage to head back there and pick them up, I couldn’t delete his number.

And when is that going to be? At the millionth humiliating text message?

The shower started and I jerked up, staring at the wall. Adam was seriously taking the first shower? Our bathroom barely had enough hot water to wash our hands, much less for showers. And I couldn’t take Zariah’s and June’s. Not after everything I’d put them through tonight.

I snagged my zipper down and stumbled out of my dress, wrapping a towel around my body. Ready to finish this, I set my jaw and strode towards the bathroom.

“Adam,” I snarled. “Get out of the shower.”

“Not tonight, ice princess.” His voice was way steadier than mine was.

Not tonight?

We did practically everything tonight. We broke a billion rules and half a billion common sense ones. And he was talking to me like a child? Like I was the unreasonable one. It drove me up the wall like nothing else had.

“Get out of the shower,” I repeated, my tone just as icy as his favorite nickname. “There’s only enough hot water for one, and I’m not taking that from nice people like Zariah and June, who don’t pull fire alarms as a joke! Out. Now!”

“By the time they return, the hot water will come back.”

“I’m not taking that chance—get out.”

“Piper, I have shampoo in my hair.”

I could’ve laughed. “Am I supposed to care?”

“In the morning, I’ll call my coach, and we’ll switch you out with somebody else,” Adam said, all professional. “You won’t have to worry about this ever again. Because I think we want to fuck each other so badly, it’s affecting our decision-making skills. And that’s not healthy, ice princess.”

I stared at the shower curtain, beyond words.

Did he just say I want to sleep with him so desperately, it was messing up my brain?

“That might be the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever said,” I managed, stunned. “And you could win a competition in that.”

I squeezed my eyes shut. It didn’t matter. None of this mattered. I just needed to take a shower, go to sleep, and never think about Adam Russell ever again.

Whatever. If Adam wants to be difficult, I’ll shower in the girls’ room.

I tried the doorknob. Blinking slowly, I tried it again. But I didn’t burst out of the bathroom like I wanted to. Nothing happened at all except for a faint clicking sound.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I grabbed the doorknob with both hands, trying to yank it open. “Oh my god.”

Adam poked his head out of the shower. “Is it locked?”

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