Page 49 of Playing for Keeps

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"No, Adam, you’re a toddler!"

"You have the toddler insults!"

Piper stared at me, hard. "You’re a toddler because if you don’t get attention twenty-four seven, you freak out!"

For a second, I tried to come up with anything and everything to say back to that. It was bullshit. That wasn’t me. If anything, she was probably projecting or whatever the hell she talked about at Gianna’s. But I couldn’t come up with anything. The longer I stood there, the more I felt like a dumbass in a tux.

"The exit’s right over there," Piper informed me, pointing towards an off-ramp that led to the sidewalk down below. She gave me a little wave and stepped away from the glass. "You have the night off, Marrs Manwhore."

"You’re kicking me out?" I asked incredulously.


I couldn’t believe it. "What am I supposed to do?"

"I don’t know and I don’t care! Go do whatever the Marrs Manwhore does!" She sucked in a breath. "It’s like walking around with a three-year-old on my hip!"

"As much fun as this is, it wasn’t my idea," I argued.

"Then you’ve got to suck it up! No wonder you skip from one girl to the next. If anyone stuck around long enough, they would leave!"

She disappeared before I could say anything else. With a swish of the dress that I would see behind my eyelids for the next three months, she was gone.

I stared at the glass.

Nobody ever said that to me in my entire life. Not one girl had ever looked at me and said, this is why no one sticks around. Because that wasn’t the truth. I hit the road every time. First one to go, always. I was the one who found the exit. It was practically what I did professionally, ever since my junior year in high school.

Ever since I found out how easy it was for people to walk away from me.

It was the easiest thing in the world for them, and that was back when I gave a shit. Before I became the party guy, the fun guy, the Marrs Manwhore. Now, I had something to give. A great time. But what if that wasn’t enough?

What if Piper’s right?

"This is bullshit," I muttered under my breath and stalked along the porch again, rounding past the walkway.

The walk should’ve cleared my head. It didn’t. It just made me think about her again. What was I going to do with the rest of my night? I hadn’t felt this shitty in a long time.

And all those weasels inside. And the way they stared at her. The way their eyes trailed down her dress, the way those guys elbowed each other when she walked close. The idea that she’d bring back one of those shitheels to our room, or a fucking hockey player, made my hands curl into fists at my side. Those guys were first-class jackasses. They didn’t deserve her.

Past the next corner, something red caught my eye.

A grin tugged up on my lips as the plan started coming together. "Oh, yeah. Let’s fucking party."



Nobody’s High-Fiving Me After This

Feeling like a million dollars, I strode away in my gorgeous dress, my wonderful makeup June worked hard on, and the glorious move of kicking Adam Russell out of the formal. For one night, I’d forget about him. Him and his arrogance and his dumb jokes and his cocky smile. He could do whatever he wanted, and I’d have fun at this garbage formal if I had to fake it.

Maybe I’d even go to the hockey party and post some pictures.

That’d drive him crazy.

I should’ve felt bad even thinking like that. It was the kind of thing Thomas would’ve done, going to parties and turning his phone off. I swore I’d never do that to anyone I dated.

But I wasn’t dating Adam. It didn’t count. He’d been single-handedly ruining my weekend. Why couldn’t I ruin his?

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