Page 38 of Playing for Keeps

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And then there was…Adam.

The lanky boy in the kitchen. The red tint in his hair. The lopsided grin on his face. His jeans, a little too short on his legs from how fast he must’ve been growing. There was a crack in his voice, asking if I wanted to trade shoes when I kicked mine off.

The way he got down on his knees to slip my heels back on when I’d groaned about it…I could see it all.

I blinked. "I…forgot about that."

His eyes didn’t leave mine. "I didn’t."

For the last couple of days, I’d been so incredibly irritated about how Adam tossed back things he didn’t care about. Nothing was important to him. He could breeze past all of it, just like he breezed through his football career and his sponsorships and his hookup record. Not caring what happened or who he hurt along the way.

All of that was true. Yet, I couldn’t mix that idea of Adam with an Adam who remembered all those little details about when we first met. It didn’t make any sense.

A flush crept up my neck and I hurried back behind the desk, pretending to be busy. "Well, anyway—um—Thomas and I were together for a long time. And when the…" I winced. "When the bleacher bunny picture came out—and all the stories—I didn’t realize how much of my…life…was tied to…him and…"

"Everybody left you."

When I finally met his eyes again, they blazed. His shoulders were stiff. His whole body tensed.

I swallowed. "Um…yeah. Something like that."

For long moments, neither of us said anything. I didn’t know what to say. My words were spent, finished, I explained what happened, and nothing good would come out of dwelling on the hurt feelings. But Adam seemed to be wrestling with something.


A sharp knock echoed on the door and a guy with a blue baseball hat poked his head in. "Uh—is this the sex class?"

I jumped so fast, I knocked my highlighters to the ground. They scattered everywhere. Some went under the desk, some went under the chairs, one of them ricocheted off to the table in the corner, and I hurried to grab them all, just to find Adam in front of me, with half already in his hand.

"Yes!" I hurried to say. "I mean—no—this is the sexual education course and how to broach the topic with your residents."

"Uh…okay, it just says sex class on the form."

I gave the door a long look. "Oh. They must’ve cut off the title. Um…"

"It’s going to be fine," Adam reminded me, placing the highlighters on the desk. "Yeah, it’s the sex ed class. File in and get a seat and don’t make a fucking sound."


"Sorry. Shut up. Is that better?"

I watched in dismay as Adam took a seat in the third row.

He’s staying for the presentation?




Not Nearly As Satisfying

The sex ed presentation was actually pretty good. It wasn’t anything I hadn’t heard before but even if Piper kept her paper gripped in her hands the whole time and her eyes planted firmly on the floor, it was still informative. Pretty well-researched.

She clicked through her PowerPoint one slide after another, just like she must’ve rehearsed.

Maybe that was why I was so pissed off when the assholes in front of me weren’t paying attention.

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