Page 27 of Playing for Keeps

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I hesitated. "Another bullet?"

"Relationships. Love. All that crap. None of it matters, ice princess. It’s not real. You have to protect yourself from the distractions. That’s what my high school coach always said."

My eyebrows furrowed, and I gazed up at the linebacker, puzzled. "Um…are you okay?"

Adam’s eyes flickered back to mine. "What?"

"Well…it kind of sounds like you’re projecting," I pointed out. "Adam, as your resident assistant, I’m a little concerned about you."

"What the hell?" He scoffed. "I’m not projecting."

He could say anything he wanted. I didn’t care, but where his posture was usually loose and fast, leaning against something, an easy smile on his lips, now he couldn’t be further from that against the counter. His shoulders were stiff. It was like watching walls rising in real time.

This actually bothers him.

"Besides, it doesn’t matter," I said. "I mean…if June’s in a secret relationship with some other guy, that means this secret guy is willing to be quiet about it for her benefit. Like he loves her so much, he’s prepared to be on the sidelines for it. Waiting for her. That’s love. If anything, you’re discrediting your own theories."

"Discrediting…?" Adam blinked. "That’s all you got out of that?"

"And King is probably waiting for the love of his life to sweep in…it’s like a Shakespeare play or something!"

Adam gave me a long, irritated look. "Congratulations. You got the opposite of what you were supposed to get out of that."

"Have you tried talking to someone about—?"

He shook his head and stalked away from the counters, heading back to the table, content to ignore me.



The Predator Mobile

Ever since Piper Fontaine moved into my dorm, I’d been waking up too early in the goddamn morning. It’s Friday, I should’ve been showering off silly string from a party the night before and enjoying the hell out of my free weekend.

But I wasn’t doing either of those things. I stood in front of the Marrs University student center with a duffel bag over my shoulder, gazing at a rusty white van that was supposed to take nine Marrs students and the shit ton of luggage on the sidewalk.

The van didn’t look like it could crawl us to the next gas station, much less to our destination in Oklahoma.

"Good morning." Zariah toasted her coffee to me, a bleary look in her eyes. "I’m taking the fattest nap in the van. I might slip into a coma."

I didn’t take my eyes off the van. "I’m nicknaming the van."

"Please don’t."

"The Predator Mobile."

She choked on her coffee. "Don’t let Piper hear that."

It didn’t matter that we were driving in a van built for a horror movie or that the van driver, one of their bosses, was chugging down five-hour energy drinks like his life depended on it, Piper legitimately looked happy.

Confounding everybody, her blonde hair was tied back in a high ponytail, and she bounced from the other resident assistants to her clipboard, checking off everything for the journey with a smile on her face.

Zariah sighed. "I’m so grateful for her. I’m this close to passing out."

"Long night? Freshmen giving you a hard time?" I shouldered my duffel bag and started towards the van, keeping an eye on Piper. It was hard not to. She couldn’t slow down for a second. Shaking my head, I turned back to Zariah.

"No, it’s my brother. That moron," she said, irritation rippling through her words. "He’s been disappearing, and it’s scaring the shit out of my parents."

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