Page 13 of Playing for Keeps

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He’s my best friend—I’d even watched the door while he beat the shit out of some dude last semester for disrespecting Kassie—but he was one uptight motherfucker. You couldn’t skip out on a track run without him sniffing it out during practice.

Piper wouldn’t like a guy like that. She couldn’t. It just didn’t make sense. Piper needed someone more fun to get all that melancholy off her shoulders.

I took the drinks from Ryan and arranged them in the fridge when Piper suddenly blurted out, "I follow you on all your socials."

You got to be kidding me.

I stared at my RA who looked two shades lighter than a tomato. She followed Ryan online? Like she stalked his pages? My hands balled into fists. I had to stop myself from grinding my back teeth. Suddenly, I wanted nothing more than to slam the door in my captain’s face.

Ryan stared at her with a blank expression. "Uh. Okay?"

Technophobic Cross probably didn’t know what she was talking about. But that didn’t make me feel better.

"I mean, I follow your couple pages." Piper’s blush deepened. "It’s so sweet. I was a huge Rassie fan for months."

Ryan blinked. "A what?"

"A Rassie? Like a Ryan and Kassie shipper?" She looked at me like I could’ve helped her. "I was rooting for you two since the beginning. It was so sweet just…that’s it. Um…it was part of the reason why I came here. You guys just seem like such a family and I…"

Ryan nodded. "Thank you for…the follow." And, with that, he turned and walked out, just as quickly as he’d walked in.

The secondhand embarrassment was nonexistent. While Piper sank into one of my chairs, I was as light as a balloon. I could’ve been skipping daisies while I walked to the kitchen, past the party carnage and the last of drunk stragglers, too out of it to function properly. Man, was I on top of the world. I couldn’t imagine being more on top of the world. Fuck it, this called for a drink.

Not one of the lemonades from Kassie’s stuff. That shit was too potent. The last time I drank it, I woke up in a pool with nothing but a scarf over my dick.

Leftover champagne will do.



Handcuffs, No Keys

I poured some into a mug and downed it with a laugh.

"I don’t want to hear it," Piper snapped.

"That was hilarious!"

She pinched the bridge of her nose. "It just came out. I didn’t mean it to!"

"If I got a video of that…man. That was fucking funny." I grinned. "That was great! Do it again!"

"You’re a jerk."

"Did you say jerk?" I asked my most sincere question of the evening. "What are we? Third graders?" The realization came to me on my second mug of champagne. "You don’t curse?"

"Don’t make a big deal about it."

"That’s so adorable." I toasted my mug towards her. "You’re like a kindergartener's version of a college student."

"Ugh. Thank you for shutting down the party," she said, pushing herself up.

"Where are you going?"

Piper turned back to glare at me from the door. "I’m going to sleep."

"Party’s just starting." The third mug of champagne was making me feel damn good. "Piper, I figured it out. You’re an ice princess through and through. And when you figure out how to loosen up a little, we’ll have some fun together."

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