Page 109 of Playing for Keeps

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“Whoever he is…” Zariah shot me a wicked grin. “Go have some fun, girl. You deserve it. Under the covers, fun. Make him sweat more than the gym fun. With whoever Gray Sweatpants is.”

My heart thudded in my chest. I couldn’t think of anything that would ruin my college semester more. Because the truth of the matter was, Adam was sweet, but he was also the Marrs Manwhore. The playboy. The heartbreaker. I didn’t need that in my life again.

And I couldn’t have Zariah trying to figure out who was sending me gym photos.

No doubt, that would get back to Adam.

“We’re going to split into small groups,” the presenter droned on as June found her way back to her chair. “We want you to come up with events for the rodeo and create a mock budget in the next fifteen minutes.”

“What are we going to do?” I quickly asked, underlining the task in my notebook.

“What you signed up for,” Zariah immediately answered. “Petting zoos are low effort. Steal some ducks from a pond, get a black and white cat, call it a cow, tell some kids that you have free candy—bam. Petting zoo. June.” All of her attention went to June and I knew she was about to tell her about the photo.

I had to think of something. I needed to think of something quick. Something that was just juicy enough to get the girls off my back and not ask about Gray Sweatpants’s picture.

The only thing I could think of was Adam’s dumb prank on Ryan.

“We should prank Adam,” I blurted out.

June raised an eyebrow and glanced back at me. “What?”

I immediately had Zariah’s attention. She cocked her head to the side. “You can’t prank Adam. Nobody can, he’s unprankable. Nothing phases him.”

What would get Adam?

“There has to be something he’s afraid of…?” I said slowly, thinking it over.

“Long-term commitment?” Zariah suggested.

“Marriage?” June added in.

“A condom breaking.” I blinked. “If Adam found out…he was going to be a dad, he’d freak. That’s the only thing that’d really scare him good.”

Both girls gave me a long look, completely shocked. They turned back to each other and back to me, over and over again until Zariah shook her head with a smile. “Girl, that is evil. You might give him a heart attack.”

“We could get him a ‘congratulations, you’re going to be a dad’ card.” June’s words dissolved into laughter.

“With a fake pregnancy test.” I flipped to a new page in my notebook and started writing down ideas. “We could buy one and just color it with a marker. He’d know it was fake but it’d still make his heart pound.” The girls shifted closer and I underlined a few items and tapped my pen against the paper. “Okay, I can order the pregnancy test from the clinic on campus, we can pick up the card later.”

Zariah grinned. “He’s going to love this. After he has a heart attack.”

Definitely. Adam loved practical jokes. And he never stopped lamenting about how no one ever gotten him like he got everybody else. I hurried to write down what I wanted on the inside of the card and the three of us spent the rest of the meeting coming up with what exactly we wanted it to say and agreeing to keep it a secret.

If more people found out, Adam would get wise, and the only chance to hit the biggest prankster on campus would vanish.

“Ugh, I have so much homework to do,” June groaned as we walked out of the meeting. “Catch me in the library.”

“No, you have dinner plans,” I told her.

“What do you mean?”

I looped my arm around hers and Zariah’s and marched them off towards the rail. “You’re both coming with Adam and I. It’s pupusa o’clock.”

“Pupusas?” Zariah moaned at the mere mention of the delicious, stuffed corn tortillas. “I’ll skip my night class for that. Yes, please.”

June suddenly looked a whole lot more fragile. “I don’t know…”

“Girl, you’re doing it. It’s been decided.” Zariah said walking over to loop her arm through June’s, practically hauling her off with me.

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