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“How long do I have?” I asked.

“Not long,” he said, shaking his head. It seems like you waited to call for me.”

“We weren't sure if the contractions were real,” I explained.

He gave me a warm smile.

“Not to worry, I am here now, and your baby will be, very soon.”

He nodded to the assistant who began to set up a little blanket, a bowl of water and some tools on the floor—for the baby.

Wow. This was really it.

A contraction hit me then, wiping out all thoughts until it faded.

My entire body felt hot and pained, but I breathed through it, the way I had been taught to do by the omega parenting group Addy's om-father had insisted I join. I was the only expectant omega in it. The rest had older children which was nice in a way since they had lots of advice and tips for me. On the other hand, it was alarming to learn that my child was the only one coming and the human, Alex's child was the only one of a similar age. We really did have a serious issue on our hands here on Mukhana...

“Should I start pushing?” I asked as the contractions intensified.

“Not yet,” the doctor said.

“Then when?” I hissed, as another one hit me.

“You'll know,” he said. “Your body will take over. Trust yourself.”

Trust myself. Very well. I had been following my own instincts for months, I supposed now wasn't the time to stop.

I shut my eyes and held tightly to Addy's hand, trying to simply breathe through the contractions and then, after a while, just as the medic had said, my body took over. The first push wasn't conscious at all. All my muscles tightened and started to push.

It was time for my baby to come out.

Instead of forcing it, I went with the rhythm my body made, pushing and then pausing to breathe, and then pushing again.

The stretching was intense, especially when I felt the child move between my thighs, pushing the bones apart. I shouted out in pain, vaguely aware of anything else, the doctor telling me I was doing well, Addy brushing back my hair and saying words of encouragement.

Then, when it was all too much, and I didn't think I could do it, suddenly the child seemed to almost slip forward.

“The head is out!” the doctor said triumphantly, and with one more push, the entire body slid free.

I collapsed, exhausted, breathing raggedly, too weak to move.

“Oh wow,” Addy breathed. I could feel him shaking and turned my face to the side with the last bit of energy I had, to see them lifting the small thing into the air and taking it to the bowl of water.

“You did it,” Addy whispered, and kissed my face non-stop, until I had enough air to speak.

“Is it okay?”

As soon as I asked, the most adorable sound of a baby's crying filled the air and it hit me how miraculous this moment was. We had made a life.

They placed the baby on my chest, and it was so small. Far smaller than the size my swollen belly would have suggested.

Its skin was flushed and swollen from the effort of being born and its hair was a frizzy cloud of magenta. A tiny little pink tail flailed. I shifted to see the small face, immediately struck by the fact that it had the gentle shape of Addy's eyebrows and tiny, weak little claws.

An alpha, and a male, just like Addy.

I was completely overwhelmed, and I knew that Addy was too. He bent his head over the small being that we had created and pressed his forehead to his son's, his eyes squeezed shut.

“My little boy,” he whispered. “I will always be here for you.”

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