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I smiled, still perplexed that I had been so afraid to return home, and yet, for the most part, we had been accepted back in with open arms, even given a house just like any other couple would be.

“But they said that you had a punishment coming,” I repeated for the hundredth time.

Addy chuckled.

“Perhaps they're waiting for something.”

“The baby?” I guessed again.

He shrugged.

“That would make sense. Maybe they don't want to give you any stress right now.”

“Well if that's the case, they should have told us when this punishment is going to happen and how bad it will be. This guessing game is killing me.”

Addy kissed my cheek and squeezed me in a quick embrace before relaxing again. His cock suddenly slid free, but he didn’t pull away.

“Is there anything I can do to keep your mind off of it?” he asked.


He stilled.

“Why did that sound so sinister?”

I bit my lip.

“Well you know over the last two weeks of sexless hell?—”

“We had sex?—”

“Once. That doesn’t count.”

He chuckled.

“Go on.”

“In the last two weeks of sexless hell,” I repeated, “I only had my memories to keep me warm at night?—”

“Hey, that's not fair! I was still there to hug and snuggle you.”

“Stop interrupting me,” I chastised.

I waited and glanced at him, seeing that his lips were pressed tightly shut despite the smile pulling at them.

“So, I only had my memories to keep me warm at night and it feels like forever since I, you know, was inside you.”

Addy blinked while I waited with baited breath, stomach suddenly squirming with nerves.

“Did you not really like it?” I asked.

His eyes widened.

“What? I did, I promise. We did do it twice.”

“Not since we first bonded,” I pointed out and he shrugged bashfully.

“I've thought about it a few times,” he admitted, not meeting my gaze. “I did like it at the time, but I having a functional cock completely distracted me, I suppose. I can't help but want to use the thing.”

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