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“What brought you together with Kazm, Ossad and Fari?” he suggested.

I swallowed.

“After the last auction... and the events leading to it, I was upset. I felt that we were being lied to and that we were losing our culture. I kind of felt that it was due to the human influence.”

I glanced around, aware that two of the mated humans were bonded to alphas in this room, but Eisa and Saar didn't show any reaction.

“Truthfully, I was angry that you had all decided to side with my brother.” I was ashamed to admit it now but there was no room for any more secrecy.

“You are against the new omega initiatives we are working on?” one of them asked.

“Well...” I bowed my head, my shame growing. “Not anymore. I didn't understand it at the time. I didn't understand much to do with an omega’s viewpoints, it turns out. All I could think about was the fact that there would be a possible end to the auctions and that omegas would run around doing as they pleased. Like Latif had done.”

I sighed, understanding what a prick I sounded like.

Pursing my lips, I finally answered the initial question.

“I found myself ranting to Fari at the bathhouse one day and he invited me to meet with his group. We called ourselves the New Order of Alphas. They told me their plans were to reinstate tradition into our society. First by convincing omegas, then gathering more alpha followers. I am ashamed to admit that I supported the cause.”

There was a long silence.

“So, kidnapping the omegas...”

“I was told to bring an omega to a meeting, where we would discuss the issue with them and change their minds.” I shook my head. “It sounds ridiculous now, but I did believe that was all that would happen.”

“Can you tell us what happened after that?”

I nodded resolutely. I felt so small sitting there, explaining my misguided actions, but I wanted to do right by Alil so I didn't skip any details—aside from most of the sexual ones. I did tell them how we decided to bond. How it took a few days first and how Alil had asked me to. I was pretty sure he would kill me if I left that out. He wanted me to fight for myself, for us.

“When his health took a downward turn, I insisted on bringing him home.”

Another long silence followed my story.

“Did he not want to return?” Eisa asked curiously.

I shook my head, embarrassed.

“He was only worried that I would be punished... truthfully, he thinks it is all his doing, but I know I played a large part in this.”

The head alpha gave me a long, assessing look.

“What is your take on the omegas now?” he asked. “Do you still feel that we should return to tradition?”

Surprised, I shook my head.

“No. I think I was blinded by the fact that I didn't believe I would ever have a mate,” I admitted. “But it doesn't make any sense for all of them to be so overprotected. They deserve the right to choose what, or who, they want for themselves.”

I looked around at them, wondering how much detail would be too much, but in the end, I decided I would share everything if it meant that Alil would have his mate by his side during his pregnancy...

“I don't know if he told you this, but Alil had decided not to have an auction. He was planning to join the priesthood. If Alil had decided to have an auction, I would have fought in it. The problem is that he was too worried that I wouldn't win and so he wouldn't even enter... he completely removed himself from the pool of available omegas just because he didn't have control over the end result.”

They all seemed to understand me at once and there was a shift in the air in the room.

“Very interesting,” Head Alpha Kion remarked thoughtfully.

He exchanged a pointed look with Saar and then Eisa.

“There has been a rise of alphas taking matters into their own hands.”

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