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“I'm sorry that we are in this situation, but I promise I will get you home as quickly as possible.”

He swallowed and nodded.

“Okay, Addy,” he mumbled. “ you...”

I was pretty sure he was asleep by the time the word trailed off, exhaustion finally winning.

Would this heat be okay for the baby? I wondered. I didn't think it could be. There was probably an exhaustive list of things omegas would do for a successful pregnancy and Alil was being kept from all of that.

I laid down next to him, not close enough to heat him up even more, but close enough that I could feel his robe brushing my arm so that I did not feel so alone.

Alil was the most supportive, beautiful hearted person that I had ever known. He was good enough that he had even forgiven my ridiculous actions. He didn't deserve any suffering. Neither did the innocent being growing within him.

I shut my eyes, thinking hard about what to do, but the options were limited.

We had been deserted out here.

I wasn't sure what had happened to the others, but we were on our own now and I really felt that.

I had never been on my own before.

Suddenly my parents were on my mind. I had thought of them a few times since this had started. They were probably worried about where I had disappeared to. They were most likely angry because me and Alil were both gone and well, I had a feeling that people could guess that we were gone together. Especially since other omegas were missing too. One for each alpha. It would look bad. Just as bad as it was.

My parents had spent the past few months trying to gently guide me. Trying to get me to rejoin the family and spend time with them. Trying to teach me, while allowing me to make my own mistakes.

They had always been good to me that way.

They had never been too disappointed in me, but I had a feeling that would change now.

Still, I wanted them to be here. For some reason, I just felt like they would know what to do.

“What would Al-mother do?” I wondered aloud.

She would take charge, reassure everyone that everything was going to be okay and then we would carry on. And even though nothing had changed, everyone would feel more motivated and confident about the journey.

I needed to be that person now, for Alil's sake. I was an alpha after all, I had made that the most important part of me for a while now. I had been on a crusade to prove what a strong alpha I was, but now, that didn't seem as important as being real. I had never been over the top strong and confident. I had never been a leader.

Sighing, I pushed the thoughts away and tried to rest.

I didn't get much sleep, but I did dose while Alil slept.

When the sun finally dipped lower on the horizon, I sat up and prepared something small to eat in case Alil was able to stomach it.

“Is that for me?” he asked.

I glanced over, finding him awake and watching me.

“Yes, are you hungry?”

He nodded.


Pleased, I set the wrapped meat in front of him and helped him to sit up.

He leaned on me once he was sitting, and my stomach squirmed because I knew he needed the support to stay upright.

“I'm going to pull you tonight,” I said. “On the tarp.”

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