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“We shall see,” he said.

I sighed heavily drawing his attention again.

“I appreciate that you're punishing yourself,” I told him. “But can you please come to sleep now?”

Another silly thing to say. We wouldn't sleep next to each other but it sounded like that was how I meant it.

Then, to top off the list of things I shouldn’t say, I added,

“I don't want to be alone.”

There was a long silence and then Addy pushed to his feet.

I could hear his joints creaking from having been in the same position for so long.

“Come,” he said gently. “I will sit with you.”

“Thank you.”

We walked back quietly, both lost in thought until we arrived.

Addy held the blanket back for me to get into my makeshift bedroom.

I crawled in and sat down, surprised by how nice he had made it. I hadn't been inside since he'd arranged it for me.

“It's so comfortable!” I said, amazed. “And warm.”

I could instantly feel the difference in temperature. The small space was perfectly insulated.

“I'm glad,” Addy said simply and let the blanket fall closed.

Sitting in the darkness alone, I knew instantly that this wasn't what I wanted. I hadn't brought Addy here with me so that we could sit with a curtain between us.

My hand trembled when I held it open again, but my voice was steady when I spoke.

“Will you please come in with me?” I asked.

Addy didn't answer for a moment.

“I shouldn't,” he finally said.

I bit my lip. He was right but...

“No one will know,” I said. “And... I would like you to come in here.”

Addy hesitated but then, to my relief, crawled through the opening.

I let the blanket fall and suddenly, the spacious bed felt altogether too small for two.

I could feel how much Addy filled the space. He was a big alpha, and his body heat and energy were all encompassing.

Our knees brushed.

All the air seemed to leave the small space, filling it instead with his masculine alpha scent, and then Addy shifted away and I could breathe again.

This was probably a terrible idea, but I didn't want to send him away now.

Instead, I lay down, careful not to touch him. After a moment, Addy stretched out at my side.

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