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I looked around, trying not to panic any more than I already was.

At first, I saw nothing, but then, something caught my eye.

“What is that?” I asked.

Addy squinted at where I pointed.

“I don't see anything,” he said. “Wait...”

His eyes narrowed even more.

“Maybe that's it,” he said, uncertainly.

I bit my lip, staring at what only looked like a dark smudge in the distance, distorted by the haze.

It was our best bet though, so we turned toward it, continuing to walk. As we did, the shape slowly became bigger and clearer.

“Thank the goddess,” I sighed, finally making out a tree.

“Yes!” Addy agreed.

But the image seemed to be teasing us. The more we walked, the further it appeared to be.

Tensions rose, but we kept walking toward it.

By the time the trees finally stood over us, close enough to offer shade, the afternoon sun was well past noon, and we were too exhausted to properly rejoice.

Instead, I stepped into the cool shade of the nearest tree and collapsed, nearly passing out.

Addy came up behind me, falling onto his knees in the shade with a heavy groan.

“Thank all that is good in the world,” he sighed. “It was really here.”

I shook my head, not opening my eyes.

“I still cannot believe you didn't even know where they were taking us,” I grumbled.

He made a noncommittal sound and left it at that.

For a long time, the feeling of a soft breeze felt like salvation and I simply lay there, enjoying it, trying not to think about what had happened and what would come next.

I felt sick and too tired to worry even though I knew I would once I had rested enough.

After some time, I heard Addy stand and walk away, but did not have the energy to open my eyes or ask him where he was going. Instead, I drifted into sleep for what felt like only a moment until something cold and wet touched my cheek.

Startled, I opened my eyes.

Addy was bent over me, gently touching me with what appeared to be the sash that he had been wearing.

I reached up, taking it in my tired hands, frowning at the cool wet feeling of water saturating it.

“There is a large pond,” he said gently.”Let me help you to it.”

Just because he was looking at me like that—like I was precious and needed to be taken care of—was no reason for my heart to beat so hard.

He had done this. He had brought me here.

I could not forgive him, or even accept the hand that he offered.

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