Page 56 of The Queen's Blade

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“That’s okay,” she said. She needed to get out of here, needed some distance between her and the Shifter looming above her. Her body was too sensitive, too needy to have a male that hot standing this close to her.

Fuck, she needed to get laid.

“I think I’m just going to—” she started, but he cut her off.

“He isn’t in yet,” Jasper said over her. His fingers lingered for a moment on her waist, just long enough for her to think she’d imagined it before he leaned over her to grab a bottle and a clean glass from the wall behind her. “He had a family thing. But he should be here soon.”

He poured a generous serving into the glass and held it out to her, eyebrow raised.

Fuck it. She wasn’t working tonight, was she?

Fey took the glass, knocking back the shot. Jasper’s answering smile was all wicked approval. He leaned over her again to grab another glass and poured her another shot before adding a healthy pour to his glass. Jasper ignored the customers around them vying for his attention, and within a few seconds, another Shifter appeared at the bar to take orders. They drank their shots together, Fey coughing at the burn in her throat.

“So, what did I do to deserve this special treatment?” Fey asked, straining to be heard over the music.

Jasper grinned. “The boss likes you. That means a lot to us here.”

Fey tried to hide her smile.

“I’m glad you came back,” he told her. “Especially tonight…”

When she just raised an eyebrow at him, he laughed and continued, “The boss has been biting everyone’s head off since the last time he saw you. Ferus even sent a few girls to his office the other night to distract him, take some of his edge off.”

Fey’s lips thinned. She had no right to be jealous, had no right to care where he stuck his dick. But anger crept into her chest before she could help it.

“He sent them away,” Jasper said, his smile growing wicked. “I think he’s had a taste of something he liked, and he’s not willing to settle for anything less.”

The Wolf was still so close to her, his body right against her own, and Fey was sure he could feel the heat from her blush. Was Jasper flirting with her?

“Not that I blame him,” Jasper said. His fingers caressed the glass in his hand. “You seem like the sort of woman men would crawl over broken glass to bed.”

Oh yeah, he was flirting with her.

“So, you have a few choices here,” he told her. “You can hang out behind the bar with me—” He glanced around them at the crowds. “But I don’t think it’s your scene, yeah? Or you can head up to the VIP area—they know who you are, and they’ll let you in, no questions asked.”


“Or,” Jasper continued. “You can head up to the boss’s office and wait for him there. It’s quiet, and you won’t be bothered.” His eyes glittered. “His office is unlocked, and he should be in soon. Faster, even, if someone gets ahold of him and tells him you’re here.”

“Unlocked, huh?” Fey said with a smirk.

“Yeah, I think he’s lost his faith in them. Seems like someone kept managing to get in, anyway.” He winked.

“And what do you recommend?” she teased.

Jasper chewed his lips like he was giving it serious thought. Then he poured himself another shot.

“I think you should head up to his office,” he said finally. “And fuck his brains out.”

For just a brief moment when Jasper smiled at her, it was a predator’s smile, something feral and dangerous, and Fey felt heat fill her body. This was the Wolf under the skin, the beast he really was. But then she blinked, and he was taking the shot he poured himself, the smile gone. Vanished, like it hadn’t been there at all.

Before she could say anything, he was leaning past her again, opening the bar top to let her out.

“Thanks,” she shouted over the music.

Jasper just winked.

It should have been a struggle to get across the crowded dance floor, but the moment Fey stepped out from behind the bar, the crowd seemed to shift to let her through, and before long Fey noticed the Shifters moving in the crowd around, herding the patrons to make room for her.

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