Page 131 of The Queen's Blade

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“Tea would be lovely,” Sana said, sitting on the couch, and folding her hands in her lap.

Fey set the kettle to boil and busied herself pulling two mugs from the cupboards, wincing at how the wound in her side stretched as she reached to grab them.

“How are you healing?” Sana asked.

Of course she’d noticed. Fey sighed.

“Fine,” she said, simply. The wound from where Dameon had stabbed her had almost entirely healed now, but the area was still tender. And her voice had yet to recover from the damage Lilith had managed to do to her throat.

“I could have a look if you—” Sana began, but stopped, mid-sentence, her mouth hanging open. A moan came from the nearest bedroom. Unmistakably sexual.

The kettle whistled, and Fey hid her grin by turning away from Sana as she prepared the tea.

That had been Alice. She and Joy had been spending a great deal of time together in that room since they’d been reunited. After their first night back, when all three of them had fallen asleep basking in the comfort of being together, Fey had moved into her own bedroom to give them space. Privacy. She barely noticed the noises anymore.

Joy had forgiven Alice after all. Had forgiven all of them—Fey, for killing her last sister, and Lilith for her betrayal. Love came so easily to Joy, and Fey… Fey was starting to find it was coming easier to her, as well.

“You were saying?” Fey prompted, setting the mug down on the coffee table in front of Sana and taking a seat on the other end of the couch to watch her. She held her own mug with both hands, her face the picture of innocence as Alice moaned again, louder this time, from the bedroom. Joy’s voice was too low to hear, but whatever she’d said made Alice moan even louder.

“I… I can’t recall.” Sana stumbled. Her face was beet red.

Embarrassed, yes, but something else was there as well. Priestesses were forbidden to take lovers, forbidden to indulge in the carnal arts, but Fey had always assumed it was a rule none of them really bothered to follow. For the first time Fey wondered if Sana were, in fact, completely naive to sex.

The look on Sana’s face when she glanced at the closed door to Joy’s bedroom wasn’t judgmental, or disgusted. It was full of yearning. Envy.

“Why are you here, Sana?” Fey asked.

Sana fought to compose herself, picking her tea up from the table and sipping it.

“The council would like to see you,” she said. “To see all of you.”

Fey set her own tea down, fighting the flicker of anger in her chest that threatened to grow to an inferno. They’d expected this. Or, at least, Alice had. There had to be consequences to killing the Queen, she had said. Someday, probably soon, the council would demand someone be held accountable.

And the three of them would have to be ready to respond.

“And if we refuse?” Fey asked, her voice low and dangerous.

Sana shook her head, sadly. “This is not a demand, Fey, it is a request. From all of us. We want to put this behind us and move forward. For the security of the realm. They only want to talk to you, understand how everything happened.”

“You know how everything happened,” Fey challenged.

“Please don’t fight us on this, Fey. The council doesn’t want to be your enemy.”

But we could be, was the unsaid warning behind those words. The threat that Sana, sweet gentle Sana, would never say out loud.

Merle rubbed against her leg, and Fey stroked him absently.

“When?” she asked.

“Tomorrow,” said Sana. “Midday, if possible.”

Fey nodded. “Okay,” she acquiesced. Sana didn’t need to know that they’d anticipated this. That they’d already agreed to be interviewed by the council if asked. “We’ll be there.”

The sounds from the bedroom were increasing in volume and pace. Fey continued to act as though nothing was amiss, as though there was nothing unusual about it.

And, from her point of view, there wasn’t.

“Would you care to stay for lunch?” Fey asked with a wide smile, raising her voice slightly to be heard over the crescendo of Alice’s orgasm. Merle hopped up to the couch, yawning, looking for a place to curl up and lay down. “I think my sisters are finishing up, if you’d care to see them as well?”

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