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While I head into the large bathroom adjoining my bedroom, I watch as my mother slowly sinks onto the edge of my bed so I can pee on the stick by myself. I’m an adult, yet all I want is to cry into my mom’s shoulder and beg her not to let me do this alone.

If the results come back positive, though, I’ve got to get used to doing things alone anyway. This could be a good way to start. Instead of begging her to come inside with me, I shut the door softly behind me and take a deep breath before walking over to the toilet with shaking hands.

It’s going to be negative.

It has to be negative.

Three agonizing minutes later, I rest my hand over the stick and take a deep breath before flipping it over. A tear slides down my cheek at the sight of not one, but two pink lines, and my shoulders shake with quiet sobs while my stomach rolls with unwanted anxiety.


After the results, I spent five minutes throwing up into the toilet with my mother holding my hair back so it didn’t drop into the stream. Now that the rolling anxiety has passed and I’m on my way to my parent's house since I begged my mother to let me see Luna, all I can do is let silent tears fall down my cheek.

I sit upright in my seat when we pull into the long driveway and come to the top of the hill, my eyes laser in on the sleek black vehicle resting outside the house and sticking out like a sore thumb. I’m about to ask who’s visiting, but my mouth drops open like in those cartoons as I watch members of Raising Havoc step out of the vehicle.

My gaze darts along their frames, hoping that one of them is Ryker, but it doesn’t surprise me when he doesn’t come into view.

Brent, the lead singer, looks around the place with a pleasant smile on his face, while Evan, the other one, places his gaze right on me and Mom, sitting silently in the car.

I glance at her, trying to make any sudden movements as if they’ll pounce as soon as I do, and ask, “Is there a reason members of Raising Havoc are currently standing in your driveway?”

My mother swallows thickly and shakes her head so discreetly that I almost miss it, and then she takes a few deep breaths before climbing out of the car with that warm smile everyone loves. It doesn’t surprise me when the guys throw it right back to her, but I still can’t bring myself to climb out of the car behind her.

What reason could they possibly have for being here?

Brent says something to my mother, who responds animatedly, and then his attention falls on me in the car.

It can’t be good that he’s sauntering over to me with that beautiful smile.

It's not as beautiful as Ryker’s, but still beautiful.

Can my day get any more drama-filled than finding out I’m pregnant with a rockstar's baby?

Just as I ask the question, my heart drops to the pit of my stomach when Ryker climbs out of the vehicle and greets my mother with the smile I’ve missed – only getting greeted with in my dreams.

I spoke too soon.



From the front seat, I can see Wren’s surprise, but that’s not the most important part of today. Melanie is, of course, surprised by my visit because I thought that was the best approach to our situation.

The longer I stare at Wren, the more her face pales before turning green and she shoves the door open before dry heaving in front of us. Even though I’ve got an agenda today, that still doesn’t stop me from rushing over to her and kneeling on the ground to make sure she’s okay.

She looks up at me, frowning, then shakes from my hold and carefully steps out of the car. We don’t say anything. There’s not much we can say at the moment – not until I have a proper conversation with her family.

I know what her father thinks of me, Elias, as well, which is why this is the first part of my plan. Everything needs to go perfectly before I get my girl back, and it all starts with approval from the people she loves.

Wren darts her gaze from me and takes in the other guys while chewing on the inside of her cheek nervously, and then she glares at me. “What are you doing here?”

As much as I’d love to tell her, that’s not something I’m willing to say to her right now.

Brent clears his throat and touches Wren’s arm, causing her to freeze like he’s a disease she’s afraid of catching. He immediately drops his fingers, then nudges his head toward the stables. “I’m told you’re an expert with horses?”


Evan comes up this time and claps his hands together. “Was hoping I could get a professional opinion, been wanting a horse myself for a while now.”

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