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While he ponders my words for a moment, I shovel another large bite of breakfast into my mouth and point at it with a bigger smile. “This is great, by the way, thank you.”

“No problem, a deal is a deal.”

We sit in silence through the rest of our meal, then I rise from the island and carry my plate to the sink.

He’s still glaring at his phone when I turn around, and I tap my chin. “Let’s get started with another yoga exercise.”

“That sounds like a terrible idea,” he mutters.

“We had a small breakthrough yesterday. Let’s see if we can manage to get another one.”

“Sure,” he mumbles while tossing his phone on the other side of the island.

“Trouble in paradise?”

His eyebrows dip, and he scowls. “There’s no ‘trouble in paradise, teach. That would require having someone in my life, and that’s never going to happen.”

Good, we’re getting somewhere. I cock my head to the side, nodding slowly, and ask, “And why do you say that?”

“Relationships are the last thing I need in my life. Love is a myth, so I steer clear of it.”

“What makes you think it’s a myth?”

He slams his hand on the table and shakes his head. “Maybe we should do yoga later, not really in the mood for it right now.”

I open my mouth to say something, but he throws a hand up to cut me off before I can even speak. “I’m really trying to be nice, but I can’t promise it will stay that way if you don’t back the hell off.”

“As much as I want to make you comfortable, I think it’s time for me to set my foot down a little bit.” I cross my arms and frown. “First of all, we had a deal – breakfast in the morning, and you’d cooperate with me.”

He rolls his eyes at that last statement but stays silent. “Second of all, you aren’t going to be able to leave until we make some kind of progress. You need to take this seriously, Ryker, or I’ll have to report this back to your manager.”

Ryker arches a brow. “Aren’t there laws against that?”

“Sure, unless I feel you are harmful to yourself or others.”

He clenches his jaw tightly in response, face turning red, and I sigh. “Your blackouts are dangerous, along with the short fuse you have, and I’ll have no choice but to relay that back to Mack if you don’t give me something.”

“This is all bullshit,” he spits while storming to the back door. When I don’t follow him, he spins around and asks, “Well, are you coming?”


I figured today we could work on the fish pose – or Matsyasana. It’s a pose that’s great for people who tend to bottle up their anger or stress, which is exactly what Ryker does.

We both come to a stop on our mat, and he looks at me. “Let’s get on with it.”

“First, I need you to take a few deep breaths and try to calm yourself.”

Once he does that, I take a deep breath of my own and now. “We’re going to start by sitting down with our legs in front of us.”

“Alright,” he mutters.

“We’re going to lean back while resting our upper body onto our elbows, with forearms flat on the mat.” I make sure he’s doing it right, then nod. “Good.”

“Annoying is more like it.”

“This next step, you’re going to press down on your palms and forearms while lifting your heart up toward the ceiling.”

He scoffs. “Are you kidding me?”

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