Page 69 of Forever

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And she didn’t need to ask twice. On the hint of a groan, he brought himself closer again, this time, kissing her in a way that was far more answer than question, his lips mashing to hers as his tongue pressed into her mouth, and his body came further forward, powerful, just as she’d known it would be. She tasted wine in his mouth and briefly wondered if he’d had too much to drink for her to be doing this, but he didn’t seem drunk. He just tasted wonderfully of spices and fruit, and when he moved his body again, she did likewise, shifting first to kneel fully, their upper bodies entwined and then, at his subtle shifting, repositioning her legs so she could flop backwards onto the carpet, never once breaking the kiss.

She’d thought yawning was unprofessional. Well, this was something else. And then, she did it. She pulled away just enough to say, “No one can know about this.”

Guilt flushed through her. Because nothing said ‘something you won’t regret’ like a plea for secrecy.

“No problems,” he muttered, kissing her once more, this time, his whole body came down on hers, so he was all hard planes and too-bigness against her soft curves, his hands positioned on either side of her at first before one hand moved to her hips, his fingers fanned wide as he connected with her.

She shivered, a tingle of longing running over her body. The kiss felt like something dangerous and explosive, needs she couldn’t explain and had never really known seemed to be completely overtaking her.

The last time she’d been with Jay had been the night Harper had been conceived. She knew because for a long time before and a long time after, she’d resisted sleeping with him. She’d known even then that they were breaking up. But that weekend had been like a crack into the past, his smiles like something from the beginning of their relationship, and the hope she’d nurtured that maybe, just maybe, he’d changed, had ended up with Skye letting her guard down. They’d had sex. He hadn’t changed. And worse, she’d ended up pregnant.

Oh, she didn’t regret Harper. Not for one single, tiny second. How could she? But Skye wasn’t the only one who’d realized things between them were all but over. Jay had known it too, and he’d wanted it not to be the case. So much so, she was almost certain he’d screwed with her birth control. She didn’t know how, but she didn’t buy his explanation that ‘these things happened’. Going from the way he’d arranged every aspect of her life to keep her under his control, it just made sense that he’d done that too.

Had he thought it would make her stay?

He’d been wrong.

So wrong.

The idea of bringing a child into his orbit had been the trigger that had finally forced her to leave. She’d put up with so much—too much—but no way could she put a child through his sadistic, bullying, emotionally manipulative BS.

“You taste so good,” Leandro muttered, almost complaining. It might have been a funny thing to say, but she didn’t think so. She’d just been thinking the same thing. She wrenched her mouth free again.

“I don’t do this kind of thing,” she said honestly, urgently, her heart pounding against her rib cage, her generous breasts straining against the expensive cotton of her work shirt. “I really mean it. No one can know.”

“And I really mean it: I am not going to tell anyone.” His nostrils flared. And despite the fact she could feel his desire for her quite clearly, he lifted up further. “We don’t have to do anything, bella. You’re in charge.”

Something shifted inside of her. It was as if he’d found the magical key to unlock her deepest-held desires, her biggest needs. Needs that were way beyond the physical. With Jay, she’d never been in charge. Not even in the beginning. He’d chosen the restaurants, he’d selected the days, times, and he’d made it all seem—or maybe she’d imagined it to be—romantic. That behaviour had a name, and a whole psychopathy, she just didn’t know it back then.

Love Bombing.

Beware: anyone who seems too good to be true definitely is.

But Leandro was putting the ball in her court, letting her decide what she wanted, and damn it if that wasn’t the biggest aphrodisiac of all.

“I don’t have long,” she said again, surprised she could think so logically at all. “My job…”

“Not a problem,” he reassured her, and at the time, she’d thought he meant he didn’t intend to take long. She wasn’t even bothered by that. Suddenly, she had an urgent, desperate need to be with a man other than Jay, to overwrite her experiences with that man, to start living outside of the box he’d managed to fold her into.

Was this about revenge? Maybe a bit. Maybe a lot. But it was also about Skye reclaiming something that should have been hers all along: autonomy.

She was her own person.

A living, breathing woman who, before Jay, had thought of herself as smart and independent. She could have one night of passionate, meaningless sex without the whole world falling apart.

And so she smiled, a dazzlingly beautiful smile that was so full of certainty, it overcame every doubt either of them might have had, if they’d been thinking more clearly. When they kissed now, it was more than just a kiss. It was a promise.

His mouth ran over hers, his tongue tangling with hers, whilst his hands explored her body, every inch of her, through the fabric of her clothes until that wasn’t good enough and he had to touch her. Rushing but careful, he undid the buttons of her shirt, groaning as he pushed it off her to reveal her flat stomach and curved breasts contained by a soft lace bra.

He swore, but didn’t pause in his exploration of her body, his hands pushing down her skirt, her underwear, somehow disposing of her sensible flat black shoes with the super soft soles at the same time, so she was naked except for the bra. He came back to it with eyes that were hooded and cheeks slashed a dark colour, and he spoke in Italian, making her wish she’d paid more attention in grade school lessons. Then again, going from his tone, she didn’t think any of the words he spoke would have been taught to kids.

His hands curved around her breasts, his breath hissing from his lips as he slid them out of the cups, his eyes locked to her curves before he dropped his dark head forward and took one nipple in his mouth, rolling it with his tongue.

Ecstasy exploded inside of her. She’d had no idea her body could react to something as simple as her nipples being touched and pulled and tasted, but the more he did all of the above, the more her stomach was flooded with fireworks and the heat between her legs became almost unbearable.

“Please,” she cried out, her voice just a husk in the room, a throb of desire that came from the very centre of her being. “Please, please,” she whimpered again, biting into her lip as he transferred his mouth to her other breast, and then brought a hand between her legs, finding her sex and stroking it slowly at first, torturously slowly, testing her, teasing her, and then moving more quickly, until her cries became louder and faster and more high-pitched with euphoria. And then he stopped, stayed perfectly still, and her next cry was more of a sob because she’d been so close to coming and wanted to, so badly.

“Open the damn door, Leo, or I’ll get someone to do it for me.”

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