Page 104 of Forever

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And nowhere near expecting this.

“Leandro!” She almost dropped the tray. Perhaps she would have if he hadn’t reached out to take it from her, perceiving her surprise. “I didn’t know—I had no idea—,” Too many questions, too much feeling. She couldn’t contain it. Couldn’t suppress it. But she had to. Only seeing him clarified everything. Everything she’d been fighting. Seeing him made her realise how much she’d missed him, all of him. How much she wanted him in her life. It terrified her, because it was impossible.

They both knew that, they’d known it all along. Besides, she couldn’t take this risk. She couldn’t give someone else her heart. Not after Jay. It was too risky.


“What are you doing here?” She stayed on the other side of the door, just staring at him.

“You are almost finished your shift?” He prompted, lifting the tray a little.

Her eyes met his. It was as though an invisible string was pulling her forward. She concentrated on keeping her feet firmly planted where they were—in reality.

“Yes,” she murmured, so low it was almost inaudible.

“Then join me,” he said, but in a tone that was less question, more demand.

Her eyes flared when they met his. She wasn’t someone to be bossed around, but he was asking her to do something she desperately wanted to do. Wouldn’t saying no just be cutting off her nose to spite her face? Shouldn’t she at least hear him out?

Who was she kidding? On no planet at no time was she going to turn down a chance to see him now. Not after two weeks without. Not after spending two weeks thinking they would never see one another again.

He placed the tray on the kitchen counter and then turned to face her. Their eyes met, and suddenly, nothing mattered.


There was nothing he could say that would change what she wanted—him. Right then and there. To hell with the future and how much she’d missed him and how much she wanted to know why he was here.

She simply walked right to him and lifted up onto the tips of her toes so she could place a kiss on his lips, and he returned it with the same desperate, passionate need. His hand curled around the back of her head, his fingers pushing through her hair, liberating it from the ponytail she wore, until it cascaded down her back, and then he was tangling his fingers in her hair and using it to tilt her head, so he could kiss her better, harder, with all the need that was a part of him, and of her.

He lifted her easily, carrying her through the suite to one of the palatial bedrooms, undressing her quickly then shucking his own clothes, groaning as their naked bodies brushed, before unfurling a condom over his length and driving into her on a powerful, guttural cry that was echoed by her own voice. They stayed just like that, frozen, locked together, eyes holding, lips parted, as the reality of this pulsed in the air around them.

“I’ve missed you,” she said, then wished she hadn’t, because it was too honest, too much. Surely, he’d felt the same? He was here, wasn’t he?

“I can tell,” he groaned, and then he was kissing her again, his body so powerful and commanding, her body so utterly under his spell. Every movement of his hips, every caress of his hand, had her senses going into overdrive.

If she had any doubts about exactly how much she’d missed him, they were dispelled by the relief she felt when he drove into her. It was like being put back together again; she was floating and ephemeral and glowing golden. It was fast and desperate, their explosion simultaneous, so they clung together, a tangle of limbs and perspiration and fast, frantic breathing.

Afterwards, it was like coming out of a strange dream. Her brain was foggy, she could hardly think straight, but she knew she had to.

She needed answers.

To understand.

“How—what are you doing here?”

“I’m here for work.”

It felt a little like a blade had plunged between her ribs, serrating her organs. She blinked away. Work. And while he was here, he thought he’d squeeze in a quick roll in the hay, for old time’s sake?

She pushed away from him quickly, sitting up on the edge of the bed in an attempt to catch her breath.

Beyond her, the city glittered but she barely noticed.

“But also, I wanted to see you.”

It was something, but not enough. She felt as though she’d been living to see him again. She felt completely in his thrall, and it terrified her.

“I want to keep seeing you.” The admission was raw, seemingly dragged from somewhere deep inside his soul.

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