Page 75 of Memories of You

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Wyatt returned my grin. “Skye will be a water baby, for sure. But it’s always reassuring to have a doctor nearby.”

I took Stella’s hand, and we emerged onto the warm, soft sand. We spread out a cluster of blankets, and my love took charge of setting up our delicious picnic. She’d cooked it herself, and her touches were obvious in the tropical ceviche, grilled fruit skewers, and blackened dorado wraps. Individual key lime pie tarts finished the spread. Plenty of soft drinks and beer were on offer, which Hunter had carried in his backpack.

“Hey, Evan!” Wyatt called out as we started eating. “Maia might need some baseball pointers from you.”

“Why would that be?” Evan raised an eyebrow, and I zeroed in, intrigued by the unexpected turn in conversation.

“Yup,” Maia chimed in, her eyes alight with excitement. “A new recreational baseball league is forming, and I’ve talked to several resort staff who are interested. We might have enough people for a Calypso Key team. Any chance you’d be interested?”

Conversation dimmed, and everyone’s head turned to Evan, whose face was turning red. I remembered well from my high school days what a talented player he had been, even as a youngster.

Evan gave a shaky smile, rubbing the back of his neck. “Nah. Nobody wants a washed-up ball player on their team. I’d be a liability.”

“That’s not true, and you know it,” Hunter said quietly. Echoes of agreement went around the crowd, but Evan’s discomfort was obvious, so we let it slide.

“Are you joining, Hunter?” Maia prodded, undeterred.

He shrugged, a half-smile playing on his lips. “I suppose, as long as it doesn’t start until after I get down here.”

A few days ago, Stella was thrilled when Hunter had called to inform her that he’d found a business premises with an attached apartment. Though he’d tempered the news by telling her it would be several months before his arrival.

“Count me in too. I’d love to play!” The words were out of my mouth before I could second-guess them. But the idea of being part of something so communal, so unlike anything in my old life, was irresistible.

“Absolutely! The more, the merrier.” Maia clapped her hands together, and a ripple of laughter spread across the group.

With Stella’s warmth seeping into my skin, I watched the interplay of this family I had come to know again. The way they ribbed each other, the way they rallied to put the broken pieces back together, it was all so… real. Coming to Dove Key, I’d been a man charting an unknown course, alone. But now, here I was, surrounded by people who were fast becoming my own kind of kin. And Stella was the compass that had led me here.

“Happy?” I whispered to her, leaning in close enough to catch the scent of the sea in her hair.

“More than I’ve ever been. And to think, all it took was removing my blindfold to see what was right in front of me.” Her hand reached up, fingers tracing the line of my jaw. I caught it and pressed a kiss to her palm.

Nine-year-old Hailey, practically vibrating with anticipation, stood with a huff and called out to her father. “Dad! Come oooon. We’re all done with lunch.” Her waves of brown hair bounced on her shoulders.

Gabe responded with an easy smile, reaching out a hand to his daughter and drawing her to sit in front of him, while he cradled April with his other arm. They created a picture that warmed me to my core. “Okay, go ahead,” Gabe said gently, nodding to his nearly bouncing daughter.

Hailey jumped back up to her feet, her voice pitching high as she screeched, “April’s having a baby!”

The cheers that erupted were spontaneous, and I found myself clapping along, laughing at Hailey’s enthusiasm. It was infectious, the kind of news that sent ripples of happiness through the gathered family. April and Gabe came together in a kiss, his hand reaching to brush the hair from her forehead. I looked around, catching sight of Evan and Liv sharing a smile that wasn’t laced with surprise like the others. A knowing look passed between them, and it clicked—they were in on the secret.

April caught Liv’s eye and arched a brow meaningfully in their direction. “But we’re not the only ones with an announcement, are we? Last night there were some unexpected fireworks at the baseball game!”

Liv’s cheeks reddened as she extended her left hand. On her finger, a diamond glittered under the sunny light of day. Next to me, Stella sprang to her feet, her movements quick with excitement as she wrapped Liv in an exuberant hug.

“Oh, don’t fuss! I don’t want to upstage April and Gabe,” Liv protested. Her voice was muffled against Stella’s shoulder, but the embarrassment did nothing to hide her radiant smile.

“Nonsense,” Nona chimed in from where she sat on a padded cushion across from me, her tone dismissive of any such worry. She got up to give Liv a hug of her own, then Evan. Her wise eyes sparkled. “This family can handle two sets of wonderful news. In fact, I’d say we’re brimming with it.” She nodded to me, and I smiled in return.

Warren rose to stand next to his mother, his arm circling Nona in a gesture that spoke of their shared history and love. His grin matched the pride in his eyes as he swept them around the gathering.

Stella returned to me, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears of joy as she leaned close. “Can you believe it? My whole family is getting along—it’s been over a decade since…”

“Since things felt right?” I offered, my arm snaking around her waist to pull her closer.

She leaned back into me, molding herself to my side. “Not completely right. Hunter and Evan aren’t exactly best friends like they used to be. But they’re coexisting and getting along. And look at me too. I’ve figured out that I can have both my dream career and love.”

“Here’s to new starts,” I whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her temple.

“Look at Hailey,” she murmured with a laugh. “She’s practically jumping with excitement.”

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