Page 69 of Memories of You

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“Really.” My heart soared as I saw the walls she’d meticulously constructed around herself crumble. “Stella, nothing would make me happier than facing the future—with all its risks and rewards—with you. That is all I’ve ever wanted.”

The sincerity in her eyes was my answer before she even spoke. “I want that too. More than anything.”

Her eyes held a newfound clarity, like the blue sky after a storm. “I brought something for you. I didn’t have time to wrap it. I came straight here.” She reached for the unwrapped box sitting next to her and handed it to me, a mixture of hope and trepidation flickering through her brown eyes.

The wooden box was heavy, much more solid than I’d expected. Setting it on my lap, I carefully lifted the lid, revealing a treasure within. A chill danced down my spine as I stroked it with my finger.

The antique brass compass gleamed in the dim light, its surface etched with intricate designs that spoke of centuries past and countless journeys taken. Each line and curve held a story, whispering secrets of distant lands and adventures yet to come. My fingers traced the patterns with awe and wonder, imagining the hands that had once held this very compass on their own journeys through life.

“It’s beautiful,” I murmured, awestruck as I lifted it out. The compass felt heavy and significant in my hands, a tangible symbol of direction and purpose.

“Right after Matt was arrested, I knew what I had to do. I called Grace and we drove to Key West and searched through all the little shops. She helped me sort through what I was feeling so I could see clearly. We rummaged through half a dozen shops without finding anything that spoke to me. Then we went into this little cupboard of a nautical antique shop. When I saw this, I knew it was perfect. It was exactly what I’d been searching for.” The corners of her mouth lifted fleetingly as her eyes became shimmering. “A compass. I wanted to give you something that would always guide you back. Back home, back to… me. Us.”

“I don’t know what to say.” I paused, emotion clogging my throat. “It’s stunning.” Once again, I traced the smooth surface of the compass, feeling the connection. It was a promise, a commitment, and a reminder rolled into one beautiful artifact.

“Every time I look at this,” I continued, meeting her gaze, “I’ll be reminded of you and how you’ve changed my world. How you’ve given me a reason to always come back.”

Acknowledgment flickered in her eyes, and I could tell she understood—that this wasn’t just about a physical return, but about finding my way back to her heart, no matter what storms we might weather.

“Thank you,” I said, the words inadequate for the swell of gratitude filling me. “For this, for coming here, for giving us another chance.”

“Thank you for not giving up on me.”

Our eyes locked, and something shifted between us—a recognition that whatever had held us back before was now behind us. We were two people, imperfect and scarred, choosing to navigate the uncertain waters ahead together.

A single tear rolled down her cheek. “I love you, Aiden. And I’m sorry it took me so long to figure that out. I’m so sorry I pushed you away.”

My heart nearly stopped at hearing her say those words. A simple sentence I’d come to doubt I’d ever hear her say again. With my own eyes filling, I wiped her tear away with my thumb. “I love you too. And I’m not going anywhere.”

Her eyes sparkled with tears, but her smile was radiant. “I know that now. We’re a risk worth taking.”

As my gaze returned to the compass, I realized where we were sitting and remembered what I’d been up to all morning. I burst into laughter, tipping my head back.

“What’s so funny?” Tears drying, she arched a brow, and the Stella I knew and loved rose back to the surface.

“I’ve got something to show you too.” Rising to my feet, I pulled her up. Guiding her by the wrist, I could feel the rhythm of her pulse as we moved together toward the very stern of the boat, the cool sea breeze playing with strands of her hair.

The sun was sinking, but enough light was left to illuminate the name I’d painted. The sound of the waves against the wooden hull was like a gentle whisper urging me on, encouraging me to unveil the piece of myself I’d embedded into this vessel.

“I finally named the boat.” My voice held a mixture of pride and hesitation as I gestured toward the freshly painted name on the stern: Catch of the Day. Fear that compared to her generous gesture, mine was stupid.

Stella’s eyes widened with surprise and curiosity, her lips parting into a smile as she took in the bold letters. “Catch of the Day?” She turned from the name to me, questioning.

“Luke and I were discussing it last night, and I wanted to make a gesture to show you I get you, Stella. A very wise chef told me not too long ago how important this phrase was. What it represented.” I leaned against the rail, watching her face for a reaction. “She said that the catch of the day wasn’t just a menu item. It was the dish you put your soul into, the one that proved your worth.”

Her gaze lingered on the name, her smile widening, and I could see her mind piecing together the metaphor. “So this boat… it’s your catch of the day?”

I laughed, my grin lingering. “Not even close. The name is solely to remind me of what the real catch is. The real prize.” I stepped closer and took her hands in mine. “You. Maybe it’s a little sappy, but it works as a name for a boat. It’s whimsical and yet there’s real meaning behind it. Deep meaning. And now that I have a compass too, it’s just additional proof that I will navigate any storm to find my beautiful Stella.”

She reached down, her fingers brushing over the painted letters as if to confirm their reality. “It’s the perfect name for a boat!” She straightened back up and slid her arms around my waist and drew me close as her face sobered. “I’m so sorry I accused you of living on a boat so you could sail away at any moment. I don’t even know why I said that. I love your boat.”

I grinned. “It is a little small, but it’s given us some great memories, hasn’t it? We’ve both been through some rough seas. But look at us now, finding our way back to each other.”

She nodded, her smile slowly returning, radiant and full of promise. “I guess sometimes you have to get a little lost to really appreciate being found.”

“Or to recognize what you’ve caught,” I added, feeling the weight of our journey settle into a peaceful anchor in my chest. Stella, here before me, fully accepting the love I’d never stopped feeling. And me, ready to prove every day that she was my greatest catch.

Drawing her tight against me, I felt the final pieces of the barrier between us crumble, leaving nothing but raw honesty. As our lips melted in a searching kiss, the world around us blurred into nothingness.

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