Page 42 of Memories of You

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My father eased out a sigh. “As much as I want to see him again, I don’t like the thought that petty theft is what is inspiring his visit. I hate the idea that we might need a security presence here.”

“Me too, but it’s kind of the way of the world now. If Hunter comes down for a visit, maybe we should do something… fun.” The idea came to me like a sudden breeze. “A pool party? Get everyone together. It could be another chance for him to reconnect with Evan too.”

“That could work.” The corners of his eyes crinkled with his smile. “As long as Evan doesn’t push them both into the pool this time.”

“I think he’s still pretty appalled about that. This could be an opportunity to put that episode behind them for good, and maybe even the accident too.” Excitement rippled within me.

“Don’t get your hopes up too high,” Dad said quietly. “There’s a lot of water under that bridge. But you’re right—it’s a great idea. Nothing brings family together like food, sun, and a pool.”

“Maybe Hunter can put the pieces together regarding Ben and the thefts.”

Dad folded his arms, his eyebrows knitting together. “I’m looking into security cameras. But you need to be careful—I heard about your altercation with Ben. Don’t go confronting anyone about this again.”

I sighed, knowing he was right. “I just hate sitting back and doing nothing.”

“I know, and I love that fire in you. But if anything else goes missing…” He paused, meeting my gaze with a mix of sternness and affection. “It’s time to call the police. Agreed?”

“Okay, Dad.” I conceded the point, not completely convinced but willing to drop it for now.

“We’ll see what Hunter has to say. Now I’m off to tie some flies. And make sure my big rods are in good condition so I can catch enough to feed an entire restaurant.” He pushed to his feet, planting a kiss on my forehead before heading out to his fishing shed.

I took a fresh cup of coffee outside, the flagstone patio still cool beneath my bare feet. The pool’s surface rippled gently as it reflected the clear blue sky. Wanting a distraction from family drama and petty thefts, I dialed Aiden’s number. Even though I wasn’t sure where I wanted our relationship to go, I missed him already. Missed the warmth and sexiness in the tone of voice he used with me.

“Hey there, gorgeous.” His deep voice was a balm, instantly soothing me. “What’s up?”

“It’s a gorgeous morning, and I had an irresistible urge to hear your voice.”

“Mmm. I like the sound of that.” A smile raised my lips as he laughed. “I have an irresistible urge for more than just your voice, and I’ve been running over an idea in my head. When was the last time you went diving?”

“I’ve been thinking about that! I can’t even remember.”

“Well, I happen to have two sets of gear on my boat. How about you join me for a sail and dive?” There was a hint of something more in his voice, an invitation I couldn’t resist.

“That sounds like the perfect date,” I replied without hesitation. “How about Sunday? I have that night off.”

“And I have the day off. Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?”

We both laughed and my toes curled at the rich sound of his. “Can’t wait.”

I felt like a stupid, giddy teenager, and I didn’t care. After we ended the call, the corners of my lips still curled upward. Except the idea of diving left me with a rather large problem. Jumping to my feet, I headed down the hill toward the resort.

The dive shop always smelled of neoprene, a pungent scent that reminded me of happy times as a child. Maia was elbow-deep in a crate of new masks when I walked in, her long hair loose over her shoulders and back—every bit the siren of the sea.

“Hey, mermaid.” I leaned against the glass counter laden with colorful brochures of underwater adventures.

“Landlubber,” she shot back without looking up. “What brings you to my watery kingdom?”

“I need a favor.” I shifted from one foot to the other. “A refresher course in scuba. It’s been a while.”

“Oh! You’re going diving?” Maia quirked an eyebrow, finally giving me her full attention.

“Maybe. Well, yeah.” Staring at the brochures, I tried to avoid her knowing gaze.

“Spill it, Stella. Is this about Aiden?”

I sighed, sitting on a stool. “We’re going diving on Sunday.”

“Keeping things casual, huh?” Her voice was laced with mischief as she began sorting through the masks.

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