Page 38 of Memories of You

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“Because it’s true.”

I brushed a kiss over his jaw. “Now we have a second chance. Let’s not waste it.”

“Never.” He kissed me softly, sweetly—a promise and an apology all at once. “I’m here to stay this time.”

“Good.” I smiled up at him, filled with giddy joy.

The moon hung like a silver sickle in the black sky, its light painting us in ethereal hues as we lay entwined in the fragrant grass. And reminding me of how late it was. The air had cooled, and a gentle breeze whispered over our skin, raising goose bumps in its wake.

“Stay,” I murmured. I wasn’t just feeling the need for warmth—I needed him. “Spend the night with me.”

Relaxing, Aiden pulled me closer. His lips brushed my forehead in silent assent, and something within me unfurled—a hope I hadn’t realized I’d been holding onto so tightly.

“I’d love to,” he murmured back, his breath warm against my skin. “I’m not ready to end this night.”

We stood up, brushing off blades of grass that clung to our clothes. After quickly redressing, we made our way through the veil of darkness that shrouded the path to the Big House. Each step felt like a secret dance, our shadows melding together, and a ripple of excitement surged through me.

The old wooden door creaked softly as we slipped inside and closed it gently behind us. My heart raced, not from fear of being caught, but from the thrill of sharing the forbidden with him once more. We couldn’t help but exchange amused glances, feeling like teenagers sneaking past curfew. Our ascent up the staircase was a careful ballet, avoiding the familiar creaky steps that would betray our presence. Aiden laughed quietly, a sound that was free and uninhibited.

“Quiet,” I whispered, grinning as I led him through the dimly lit hallway to my bedroom door. “For God’s sake, don’t wake Nona!”

After entering, my door clicked shut behind us, sealing us away from the world, from the past, and from all the complex threads of life that waited beyond. Our silly mirth died as we stared at each other. Here, it was just Stella and Aiden—no expectations, no judgments. Just two hearts seeking solace in the quiet storm. His gaze became hot and intense, igniting a spark that hadn’t truly died down.

My bedroom, steeped in moonlight, cast a serene glow over the soft contours of my sanctuary. A display of my favorite orchids stood near the balcony door to catch the light. The gentle splash of waves against the bluff whispered through an open window, a steady rhythm that mirrored the beating of my heart. Aiden’s presence, both reassuring and exhilarating, sent anticipation rolling through me as we stood mere breaths apart.

“Stella.” His voice was a low rumble that resonated within the walls of my chest. His hands reached for the hem of my shirt, fingertips grazing my skin with deliberate tenderness. I lifted my arms, allowing him to peel the fabric away.

“I still can’t believe you’re here. You’re so hot,” I breathed the words, tracing the planes of his athletic form before making quick work of his shirt. It fell to the floor, joining mine in a pool. Our breaths hitched in unison, a sign of that magnetic pull between us.

We navigated the remaining barriers of our clothing with an impatient pace, each layer discarded. Naked and unguarded, we climbed into my bed. Lying side by side, our bodies became a landscape of rediscovery.

“God, I’ve missed this,” Aiden murmured, his blue eyes reflecting the moon. Each touch was a discovery, a homecoming that whispered promises of shelter in each other’s arms.

“Me too.” My fingers tangled in the dark blond strands at the nape of his neck, pulling him closer until our lips met.

Aiden’s mouth journeyed from my lips to the hollow of my throat, eliciting moans that danced once again on the edge of restraint. He breathed against my skin. “I want to remember every inch of you, memorize how you feel, how you taste…”

“Then don’t stop,” I arched into his touch as we fell together once more.

Chapter Seventeen


The old house creaked around us, the only sound in Stella’s bedroom as we lay with our limbs entwined like vines. The moonlight spilled over her bare shoulders, highlighting the drying sweat on her skin. I inhaled the faint hints of her floral shampoo along with a muskier scent underneath, then grinned at the ceiling.

“I can’t believe we’re back in your bedroom again,” I whispered as I pulled her closer, her back nestling perfectly against my chest. The beat of her heart was steady against my hand, a rhythmic assurance that this wasn’t just another dream from which I’d wake, alone and yearning.

Stella let out a soft laugh, tilting her head to grant me access to the side of her neck where I planted a gentle kiss. “It’s similar in some ways, different in others.” She turned onto her back and met my gaze. Her eyes, reflecting the night sky outside, were deep pools I drowned in all over again.

“I definitely don’t remember sex being that good.” A low laugh tumbled out as I ran my fingers through her hair, marveling at the silkiness. Every touch, every shared breath, felt like stroking the edges of a favorite book—familiar, comfortable, yet somehow more heartfelt with age.

“Of course it’s different,” she said, her languid stroking of my chest making me twitch. “We’re not bumbling teenagers anymore. We’ve got more… experience.”

“I’m not complaining.”

“Though I admit my experiences paled compared to this.” She laughed quietly, a light and carefree sound I wanted more of.

“Mine too. Because we’re special together.” I kissed her forehead gently before capturing her lips with mine.

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