Page 35 of Memories of You

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She whirled, eyes wide and surprise lighting up her face. “Aiden? What are you doing here?”

“I wanted some company, and only you will do,” I admitted, offering her a hand. “You sneak out for a break?”

She nodded. “I insist everyone take theirs, no matter how nuts the night is. I figured I’d better practice what I preach. And it gives the crew confidence that I believe in them to handle things without me for a while.”

I pointed toward the path with my head. “Walk with me?”

Her smile brightened the night as she slipped her hand into mine. Together, we strolled toward the beach, the landscaping lights casting long shadows on the sand. Caution tape surrounded a long trench where the landscapers had dug up the ground, reminding me of the theft. That was the last thing I wanted to think about, so I raised my eyes upward. The moon had begun its ascent, a crescent of silver in the dark sky.

“Isn’t this a bit out of your way?” Stella asked, her voice teasing but her eyes searching mine.

“I decided a text wasn’t enough.” I squeezed her hand gently.

Our slow walk led us down the beach, then to the paved path toward Orchid. The sound of the waves had been a soothing backdrop to our meandering conversation, but now, as we approached the end of our interlude, tension threaded through the air. I could sense Stella’s reluctance to return, mirroring my own.

“I’m glad you came by.” Stella’s voice was soft, her gaze fixed on the cement beneath our feet.

“So am I.”

At the same time, we halted at the edge of the path a short distance from Orchid. She faced me, and the world seemed to still around us. The manicured trees arched overhead and provided a measure of privacy, though I couldn’t see anything but the woman before me.

Her dark, liquid eyes caught mine, holding me captive. Her normally tan face was bathed in pale moonlight, her sharp cheekbones softer. We were silent as words became unnecessary, superfluous. Without thinking about it, I leaned down, my lips meeting hers. The kiss started out tentative, an expression of two people who weren’t quite sure where the boundary between them lay.

I was sick of being restrained.

As I tilted my head, I clutched a handful of her hair, pulling her closer. Stella responded with equal passion, her hands finding their way to my shoulders and yanking me closer. Every nerve ending in my body ignited in a wildfire sparked by her touch. When she pulled back, her breath came in quick gasps that matched my own. Our eyes met in a mixture of desire and uncertainty. Questions danced unspoken in the air.

What does this mean? Where do we go from here?

“I have to get back to work,” she whispered, regret lacing her tone. “I’ve already been longer than I should.”

“Of course,” I managed, feeling the loss of her warmth instantly. My lips felt cold. Wrapping an arm around her waist, we walked to the kitchen door where we’d started. “I’d still like that text tonight.”

That made her smile like I’d hoped as she promised she would. Reluctantly, I released her and watched her slip back into the building, her silhouette briefly framed in the doorway before vanishing. I stared at the closed door after she disappeared. My heart pounded a fierce rhythm, urging me to stay, to not let this night end. Slowly, I turned around and walked to my car, only to stand beside it, keys jangling in hand. Unable to drive away.

Instead, I returned to Orchid. I found a carved wooden bench nearby, under a palm tree swaying gently in the night breeze. Easing out a sigh, I stretched my legs and crossed my feet at the ankles. I settled in to wait.

Hours passed, but I didn’t mind. The sounds of the warm, welcoming night lulled me into a reflective state. Thoughts of Stella danced through my mind, replaying the feel of her kiss, her laughter carried by the wind, and the way she fit so perfectly against me. And distracted me from thinking about my eight o’clock patients tomorrow morning.

Just after midnight, she emerged from Orchid once again. This time her face was etched with the fatigue and relief of a shift now complete. Rising from my bench, I approached her silently as a small smile stretched my lips.

When she saw me, surprise flickered across her face. But it was quickly replaced by a radiant smile that outshone the moon above. “You waited? I guess texts really aren’t enough for you.”

“Couldn’t let the night end without making sure you got home safely. I recall someone saying something about me being a doctor in shining armor.”

I offered her my arm, and she looped hers through with a laugh. “This is very sweet. Thank you.” Her words teased, though her eyes shone with something softer, warmer.

“You’re welcome.”

“No early patients tomorrow?” Stella asked, a hint of concern edging her question.

I shrugged, dismissing the thought. “I’m used to working on little sleep—I did it all through residency. And right now, I’m much more interested in tonight.”

As we climbed the gentle hill toward the Big House, Stella’s arm with mine, I felt the pull of something undeniable between us. The garden next to the grand old structure spread out like a green sea, its edges defined by the vibrant red and yellow hues of bougainvillea hedges. The blooms stood as silent sentinels, creating an intimate alcove that seemed to invite stolen moments. As it had all those years ago. Our first awkward, fumbling sexual encounter had been right here. But tonight, instead of filling me with regret, the sight brought a powerful wave of nostalgia. Not to mention renewed desire.

I stopped to take it all in. “It looks exactly the same. All these years later.”

“But we’re not, are we?”

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